PHP code example of elazar / flystream

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download elazar/flystream library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


elazar / flystream example snippets

 * 1. Configure your Flysystem filesystem to use the Flystream path
 *    normalizer; see the "Path Normalization" section of this README for
 *    more details.

use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\InMemory\InMemoryFilesystemAdapter;
use League\Flysystem\PathNormalizer;

$adapter = new InMemoryFilesystemAdapter;
$config = [ /* ... */ ];
$pathNormalizer = ServiceLocator::get(PathNormalizer::class);
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter, $config, $pathNormalizer);

 * 2. Register the filesystem with Flystream and associate it with a
 *    custom protocol (e.g. 'mem').

use Elazar\Flystream\FilesystemRegistry;

$registry = ServiceLocator::get(FilesystemRegistry::class);
$registry->register('mem', $filesystem);

 * 3. Interact with the filesystem using the custom protocol.


$file = fopen('mem://foo/bar', 'w');
fwrite($file, 'baz');

file_put_contents('mem://foo/bar', 'bay');

$contents = file_get_contents('mem://foo/bar');
// or
$contents = stream_get_contents(fopen('mem://foo/bar', 'r'));

if (file_exists('mem://foo/bar')) {
    rename('mem://foo/bar', 'mem://foo/baz');

$file = fopen('mem://foo/baz', 'r');
fseek($file, 2);
$position = ftell($file);
ftruncate($file, 0);

$dir = opendir('mem://foo');
while (($entry = readdir($dir)) !== false) {
    echo $entry, PHP_EOL;



// These won't have any effect because Flysystem doesn't support them.
chmod('mem://foo', 0755);
chown('mem://foo', 'root');
chgrp('mem://foo', 'root');

 * 4. Optionally, unregister the filesystem with Flystream.

use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use League\Flysystem\PathNormalizer;

// $adapter = ...
// $config = ...
$normalizer = ServiceLocator::get(PathNormalizer::class);
$filesystem = new Filesystem($adapter, $config, $normalizer);

use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;
use Elazar\Flystream\StripProtocolPathNormalizer;

// To remove a single protocol, specify it as a string
$pathNormalizer = new StripProtocolPathNormalizer('foo');

// To remove more than one protocol, specify them as an array of strings
$pathNormalizer = new StripProtocolPathNormalizer(['foo', 'bar']);

ServiceLocator::set(PathNormalizer::class, $pathNormalizer);

use Elazar\Flystream\PassThruPathNormalizer;
use League\Flysystem\PathNormalizer;
use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;
use Elazar\Flystream\StripProtocolPathNormalizer;

ServiceLocator::set(PathNormalizer::class, new StripProtocolPathNormalizer(

    // This is the default and results in the removal of all protocols

    // This normalizer returns the given path unchanged
    new PassThruPathNormalizer


use Elazar\Flystream\PassThruPathNormalizer;
use League\Flysystem\PathNormalizer;
use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;

ServiceLocator::set(PathNormalizer::class, new PassThruPathNormalizer);

use Elazar\Flystream\BufferInterface;
use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;

// To use the File strategy:
use Elazar\Flystream\FileBuffer;
ServiceLocator::set(BufferInterface::class, FileBuffer::class);

// To use the Overflow configuration with a default memory cap of 2 MB:
use Elazar\Flystream\OverflowBuffer;
ServiceLocator::set(BufferInterface::class, OverflowBuffer::class);

// To use the Overflow configuration with a custom memory cap:
// @var int Memory limit in bytes (2 MB in this example)
$maxMemory = 2 * 1024**2;
$buffer = new OverflowBuffer;
ServiceLocator::set(BufferInterface::class, $buffer);

use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;
use League\Flysystem\UnixVisibility\PortableVisibilityConverter;
use League\Flysystem\UnixVisibility\VisibilityConverter;

ServiceLocator::set(VisibilityConverter::class, new PortableVisibilityConverter(
    // ...

use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;
use League\Flysystem\UnixVisibility\VisibilityConverter;
use My\CustomVisibilityConverter;

// If your implementation doesn't lityConverter::class, new CustomVisibilityConverter(
    // ...

use Elazar\Flystream\LockRegistryInterface;
use Elazar\Flystream\PermissiveLockRegistry;
use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;


namespace My;

use Elazar\Flystream\Lock;
use Elazar\Flystream\LockRegistryInterface;

class CustomLockRegistry implements LockRegistryInterface
    public function acquire(Lock $lock): bool
        // ...

    public function release(Lock $lock): bool
        // ...

use Elazar\Flystream\LockRegistryInterface;
use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;
use My\CustomLockRegistry;

// If your implementation doesn't erviceLocator::set(
    new CustomLockRegistry(
        // ...

use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

$logger = new Logger;
// configure $logger here
ServiceLocator::set(LoggerInterface::class, $logger);

use Elazar\Flystream\BufferInterface;
use Elazar\Flystream\LoggingCompositeBuffer;
use Elazar\Flystream\MemoryBuffer;
use Elazar\Flystream\ServiceLocator;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

$logger = new Logger;
// configure $logger here
$buffer = new LoggingCompositeBuffer(new MemoryBuffer, $logger);
ServiceLocator::set(BufferInterface::class, $buffer);