PHP code example of ekinhbayar / interval-parser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ekinhbayar/interval-parser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ekinhbayar / interval-parser example snippets

 * Some other example inputs:
 * foo in 7 weeks 8 days
 * 9 months 8 weeks 7 days 6 hours 5 minutes 2 seconds baz
 * remind me I have 10 minutes in 2 hours please
$trailing = '7mon6w5d4h3m2s bazinga!';
$leading  = 'foo in 9w8d7h6m5s';
$both = 'foo in 9d8h5m bar';
$onlyInterval = '9 mon 2 w 3 m 4 d';

# Set ParserSettings for IntervalFinder
$settings = new ParserSettings("in", false);
$intervalFinder = new IntervalFinder($settings, new Normalizer());

$intervalAndTrailing = $intervalFinder->find($trailing, IntervalFlags::REQUIRE_TRAILING);

$intervalAndLeading = $intervalFinder->find($leading, IntervalFlags::REQUIRE_LEADING);

$intervalWithBoth = $intervalFinder->find($both, IntervalFlags::REQUIRE_TRAILING | IntervalFlags::REQUIRE_LEADING);

$intervalParser = new Parser(new Normalizer());

$dateInterval = $intervalParser->parse($onlyInterval);

# Multiple Intervals

# 1. Comma Separated
$multiple = 'foo in 9d8h5m bar , baz in 5 minutes, foo in 2 days 4 minutes boo, in 1 hr, 10 days';
$multipleIntervals = $intervalFinder->find($multiple, IntervalFlags::MULTIPLE_INTERVALS);

# 2. Separated by a defined-on-settings word

$settings = new ParserSettings("in", 1, ',', 'then');
$intervalFinder = new IntervalFinder($settings);

$wordSeparated = 'foo in 9d8h5m bar then baz in 5 minutes then foo in 2 days 4 minutes boo then in 1 hr then 10 days';
$wordSeparatedIntervals = $intervalFinder->find($wordSeparated, IntervalFlags::MULTIPLE_INTERVALS);