1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ehyiah/mapping-bundle library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
// src/DTO/MyAwesomeDTO
use App\src\Entity;
use Ehyiah\MappingBundle\Attributes;
#[MappingAware(target: MyAwesomeEntity::class)]
class MyAwesomeDTO
public string $text
#[MappingAware(target: 'aBooleanProperty')]
public bool $active
#[MappingAware(target: 'address.zipcode')]
public bool $zipcode
#[MappingAware(target: 'address.street')]
public bool $street
use App\src\Entity\MyAwesomeEntity;
use App\src\DTO\MyAwesomeDTO;
use Ehyiah\MappingBundle\Attributes;
use Ehyiah\MappingBundle\MappingServiceInterface;
class SomeUsefulServiceOrHandlerOrController
public function __construct(
private MappingServiceInterface $mappingService,
) {
public function handle()
$entity = new MyAwesomeEntity();
$dto = new MyAwesomeDTO();
$this->mappingService->mapToTarget($dto, $entity);
$this->mappingService->mapFromTarget($entity, $dto);
// src/DTO/MySourceObject
use Ehyiah\MappingBundle\Attributes;
#[MappingAware(target: MyTargetObject::class)]
class MySourceObject
#[MappingAware(transformer: \Ehyiah\MappingBundle\Transformer\DateTimeTransformer::class, options: ['option1' => 'value1'])]
public string $date
// src/DTO/MyTargetObject
class MyTargetObject
public DateTime $date
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