1. Go to this page and download the library: Download eftec/validationone library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
eftec / validationone example snippets
use eftec\ValidationOne;
$val=new ValidationOne();
$r = $val->def('ERROR')
->condition("eq", "It's not equals to 10", 10)
->condition("eq", "It's not equals to 30 (info)", 30, 'info')
->get('id'); // <-- end of the chain
var_dump($val->messageList->allArray()); // here we show all messages of any kind of type.
var_dump($val->messageList->errorCount); // returns the number of errors.
var_dump($val->errorcount()); // returns the number of errors (alternative)
var_dump($val->hasError()); // returns true if there is an error.
var_dump($val->messageList->get('id')->allErrorOrWarning()); // All error or warning contained in the key "id".
$val=new ValidationOne();
$id = $val->type('integer')->get('id');
$id = $val->type('integer')->post('id');
$id = $val->type('integer')->request('id');
$id = $val->type('integer')->set('123','id');
$val=new ValidationOne();
$id = $val->type('integer')->get('id'); // $_GET['id']
$val=new ValidationOne('frm'); // we set a prefix for every reading.
$id = $val->type('integer')->get('id'); // $_GET['frm_id']
->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp ',50)
->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp ',60)
->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp ',50)
->condition('between','%field %value must be between 1 and 50 ',[1,50])
->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp ',60)
->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp ',[60,200]) // eq allows a single or array
->condition('fn.static.Example.customval','the function does not work')
->condition('lt',"es muy grande",2000,'warning')
->condition('eq','%field %value is not equal to %comp',50)
->condition('fn.static.Example.fnstatic','the static function does not work')
->condition('fn.global.customval','The global function does not work')
->condition('fn.object.example.fnnostatic','the function object does not work')
->condition('fn.class.\somespace\Someclass.method','The function some class does not work')
->condition('fn.class.Example.fnnostatic','la funcion class no funciona');
// ->condition('fn.static.Example.customval','la funcion no funciona')
function customval($value,$compareValue) {
return true;
$validation->condition('fn.global.idExist','The id already exist!')->get("id");
function idExist($id,$compare=null) {
// select count(*) c from table where id=$id
if($c>0) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
$validation->condition('fn.global.customfn'); // global
$validation->condition('fn.static.SomeClass.staticfn'); // calling a static method inside the class SomeClass.
$validation->condition('fn.class.SomeClass.noStaticFn'); // method inside a class,it creates an instance of an object then it calls the method
$validation->condition('fn.object.myObject.noStaticFn'); // method inside a class, it uses an instance called $myObject
// global function
function customfn($value,$compareValue) {
// returns true or false
// static function
$myObject=new SomeClass();
class SomeClass {
public static function staticfn($value,$compareValue) {
// returns true or false
public function noStaticFn($value,$compareValue) {
// returns true or false
⭐ Container (usually only 1 for all the project)
⭐ Lockers (from zero to many)
⭐ Messages (from zero to many and grouped by level)
$container->get('locker20')->firstError(); // it returns the first message of error in the locker20 that is part of the container.
$validation->addMessage('idlocker','this field is r(); // it gets all errors from the locker idlocker
$validation->getMessages(true); // it gets all messages of error or warning from all the lockers.
$r=getVal()->type('datestring')->set('31-12-2019'); // 2019-12-31 note: the default input value is d/m/Y, not m/d/Y
try {
->throwOnError() // for errors only
->set('hello', 'field1');
// or you could use:
->throwOnError(true,true) // for errors and warnings
->set('hello', 'field1');
$this->fail('this value means the throw failed');
} catch(\Exception $ex) {
$this->assertEquals('field1 is not numeric',$ex->getMessage());
$validation->exist()->set(null); // is valid.
$validation->exist()->set(''); // is valid.
$validation->exist()->get('field'); // is valid only if $_GET['field'] exist (even if it is null)
$validation->notnull()->set(null); // is not valid.
$validation->notnull()->set(""); // is valid.
$validation->notnull()->set('hi'); // is valid.
$validation->notempty()->set(null); // is valid.
$validation->notempty()->set(""); // is not valid.
$validation->notempty()->set('hi'); // is valid.
$validation->isNullValid()->condition(....)->set(null); // is valid no matter the condition.
$validation->isNullorEmptyValid()->condition(....)->set(null); // is valid no matter the condition.
$validation->isEmptyValid()->condition(....)->set(''); // is valid no matter the condition.
$validation->isMissingValid()->condition(....)->get('field'); // If the field is missing, then is valid no matter the condition
->set(....); // this expression is valid if the value is null, empty(''), the value is missing, no matter the conditions.
->set(...); // if the operation fails, then it returns -1
$validation->trim()->set(....); // trim both sided
$validation->trim('trim','.,')->set(....); // trim . and ,
$validation->trim('ltrim')->set(....); // trim left sided
$validation->trim('rtrim')->set(....); // trim right sided
$validation->alwaysTrim(); // always trim the next characters " \t\n\r\0\x0B"
$validation->alwaysTrim(true,",."); // always trim , and .
// ...
$validation->alwaysTrim(false); // we disable the always trim.
ValidationOne::invertArray($arr); // [['col1'=>'cocacola','col2'=>1],['col1'=>'fanta','col2'=>2]]
### convert()
It converts the end result after it is validated. Depending on the type of conversion, it allows up to 2 arguments. The conversion could be stacked so the order could matter.
If the value is missing, or it is used the default value, then it is not converted.
| Type | | Description | Example |
| upper | | Converts the value in uppercase | $this->conversion('upper')->set('Hello World'); // HELLO WORLD |
| lower | | Converts the value in lowercase | $this->conversion('lower')->set('Hello World'); // hello world |
| ucfirst | | Converts the first character in uppercase | $this->conversion('ucfirst')->set('hello world'); // Hello world |
| ucwords | | Converts the first character in a word in uppercase | $this->conversion('ucwords')->set('hello world'); // Hello World |
| replace | | Replace a string by other | $this->conversion('replace','hello','world')->set('hello hello'); // world world |
| sanitizer | | Sanitizer the result. It uses filter_var() | $this->conversion('sanitizer',FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL)->set('//[email protected]'); // [email protected]<br />$this->conversion('sanitizer',FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS,FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH) |
| alphanumeric | | Sanitize the result by keeping the alphanumeric characters plus underscore : | this->conversion('alphanumeric')->set('HELLO world_-123'); // HELLOworld_123 |
| alphanumericminus | | Sanitize the result by keeping the alphanumeric characters plus underscore and minus symbol | this->conversion('alphanumericminus')->set('HELLO world_-123'); // HELLOworld_-123 |
| regexp | | It calls preg_replace to replace a text | this->conversion('regexp','/[/^0-9]/','')->set('hello123'); // 123 |
| rtrim | | Trim the right characters | $this->conversion('rtrim') |
| ltrim | | Trim the left characters | $this->conversion('ltrim') |
| trim | | Trim the right and left. It is equivalent to $this->trim() | $this->conversion('trim')->set(' hello '); // hello<br />$this->conversion('trim'," \t\n\r\0\x0B") |
| htmlencode | | Encode to html content. It uses htmlentities() | $this->conversion('htmlencode')->set('\<b>dog\</b>'); //\<b\>dog\< |
| htmldecode | | Decode from a html. It uses html_entity_decode() | $this->conversion('htmldecode')->set('\<b\>dog\<'); // \<b>dog\</b> |
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