PHP code example of eftec / pdoone

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download eftec/pdoone library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


eftec / pdoone example snippets

$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE name = ?");
$result = $stmt->get_result();
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {

    ->where("name = ?",[$_POST['name']]) 

ProductRepo // this class was generated with echo $pdoOne()->generateCodeClass(['Product']); or using the cli.
    ::where("name = ?",[$_POST['name']])

use eftec\PdoOne;
// mysql
$dao=new PdoOne("mysql","","root","abc.123","sakila","");
$conn->logLevel=3; // it is for debug purpose and it works to find problems.

// sql server\instance or (local)\instance or machinename\instance or machine (default instance)
$dao=new PdoOne("sqlsrv","(local)\sqlexpress","sa","abc.123","sakila","");
$conn->logLevel=3; // it is for debug purpose and it works to find problems.

// test (mockup)
$dao=new PdoOne("test","anyy","any","any","any","");

// oci (oracle) ez-connect. Remember that you must have installed Oracle Instant client and added to the path.

$dao=new PdoOne("oci",$cs,"sa","abc.123"); // oracle uses the user as the schema
$conn->logLevel=3; // it is for debug purpose and it works to find problems.

// oci (oracle) tsnnames (the environment variables TNS_ADMIN and PATH must be correctly configured), also tnsnames.ora must exists.
$dao=new PdoOne("oci",$cs,"sa","abc.123"); // oracle uses the user as the schema
$conn->logLevel=3; // it is for debug purpose and it works to find problems.

$sql='select * from table where id=1';
$pdoStatement=$pdoOne->runRawQuery($sql,[],false);  // [] are the parameters

$sql='select * from table where id=1';
$values=$pdoOne->runRawQuery($sql);  // [] are the parameters

$values=$con->runRawQuery('select * from table where id=?',[20]); // with parameter
$values=$con->runRawQuery('select * from table where id=:name',['name'=>20]); // with named parameter
$values=$con->runRawQuery('select * from table',[]); // without parameter.

$values=$con->runRawQuery("select * from table where name=:name",['name'=> $name]); // it works.✅
$values=$con->runRawQuery("select * from table where name=?",[$name]); // it works ok.✅
$values=$con->runRawQuery("select * from table where name='$name'"); // it will crash.❌

$sql="insert into `product`(name) values(?)";
$stmt->bind_param("s",$productName); // s stand for a string. Also i =integer, d = double and b=blob

// query builder


try {
    $sql="insert into `product`(name) values(?)";
    $pdoOne->commit(); // transaction ok
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $pdoOne->rollback(false); // error, transaction cancelled, the false means that it doesn't throw an exception if we want rollback.



        "film_id" => "smallint unsigned not null auto_increment",                                                        
        "title" => "varchar(255) not null",                                                                              
        "description" => "text",                                                                                         
        "release_year" => "year",                                                                                        
        "language_id" => "tinyint unsigned not null",                                                                    
        "original_language_id" => "tinyint unsigned",                                                                    
        "rental_duration" => "tinyint unsigned not null default '3'",                                                    
        "rental_rate" => "decimal(4,2) not null default '4.99'",                                                         
        "length" => "smallint unsigned",                                                                                 
        "replacement_cost" => "decimal(5,2) not null default '19.99'",                                                   
        "rating" => "enum('G','PG','PG-13','R','NC-17') default 'G'",                                                    
        "special_features" => "set('Trailers','Commentaries','Deleted Scenes','Behind the Scenes')",                     
        "last_update" => "timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"                      
        "film_id" => "PRIMARY KEY",                                                                                      
        "title" => "KEY",                                                                                                
        "language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES`language`(`language_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE",                            
        "original_language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES`language`(`language_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE"                    

        "film_id" => "smallint unsigned not null auto_increment",                                                        
        "title" => "varchar(255) not null",                                                                              
        "description" => "text",                                                                                         
        "release_year" => "year",                                                                                        
        "language_id" => "tinyint unsigned not null",                                                                    
        "original_language_id" => "tinyint unsigned",                                                                    
        "rental_duration" => "tinyint unsigned not null default '3'",                                                    
        "rental_rate" => "decimal(4,2) not null default '4.99'",                                                         
        "length" => "smallint unsigned",                                                                                 
        "replacement_cost" => "decimal(5,2) not null default '19.99'",                                                   
        "rating" => "enum('G','PG','PG-13','R','NC-17') default 'G'",                                                    
        "special_features" => "set('Trailers','Commentaries','Deleted Scenes','Behind the Scenes')",                     
        "last_update" => "timestamp not null default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP"                      

       "film_id" => "int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1)",
       "title" => "varchar(255) NOT NULL",
       "description" => "text(2147483647) DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "release_year" => "varchar(4)",
       "language_id" => "tinyint NOT NULL",
       "original_language_id" => "tinyint DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "rental_duration" => "tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT ((3))",
       "rental_rate" => "decimal(4,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ((4.99))",
       "length" => "smallint DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "replacement_cost" => "decimal(5,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ((19.99))",
       "rating" => "varchar(10) DEFAULT ('G')",
       "special_features" => "varchar(255) DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "last_update" => "datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (getdate())"
       "language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES language(language_id)",
       "original_language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES language(language_id)",
       "film_id" => "PRIMARY KEY"

$dao = new PdoOne('sqlsrv', "(local)\sqlexpress", "sa", "abc.123", "sakila");
echo "<pre>";
var_dump($dao->tableSorted(3, false, true)); // it returns the tables sortered
var_dump($dao->tableSorted(3, true, true)); // it returns all the tables that can't be sortered
echo "</pre>";


$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from("producttype")
    ->where('name=?', [ 'Cocacola'])
    ->where('idproducttype=?', [ 1])

$results = $pdoOne->select("col1,col2"); //...

$results = $pdoOne->select("select * from table"); //->...

$result = $pdoOne->count('from table where condition=1'); // select count(*) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->count()->from('table')->where('condition=?',[1]); // select count(*) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->count('from table','col1'); // select count(col1) from table
$result = $pdoOne->count()->from('table'); // select count(*) from table

$result = $pdoOne->min('from table where condition=1','col'); // select min(col) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->min('from table','col1'); // select min(col1) from table
$result = $pdoOne->min('','col1')->from('table'); // select min(col1) from table
$result = $pdoOne->min('col1')->from('table'); // select min(col1) from table

$result = $pdoOne->max('from table where condition=1','col'); // select max(col) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->max('from table','col1'); // select max(col1) from table

$result = $pdoOne->sum('from table where condition=1','col'); // select sum(col) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->sum('from table','col1'); // select sum(col1) from table

$result = $pdoOne->avg('from table where condition=1','col'); // select avg(col) from table where c..
$result = $pdoOne->avg('from table','col1'); // select avg(col1) from table

$results = $pdoOne->select("col1,col2")->distinct(); //...

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table'); //...

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table t1 inner join t2 on t1.c1=t2.c2'); //...

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->where('p1=1'); //...

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where("p1=1 and p2>2.5 or p3 like '%aa%'");

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where("p1=? and p2>? or p3 like ?",[1

// (if there is only a single argument without a type)
$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where("p1=?",[1]);  // = where("p1=?",[1]);
// (if we don't define to where to put the value)
$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where("p1",[1]); // = where("p1=?",[1]);

// select * from table where p1='1' and p2='2.5' and p3='aa'
$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where(['p1'=>1

// select * from table where p1=1 and p2='2.5' and p3='aa'
$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from('table')->where(['p1'=>[1]

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from("table")
    ->where('condition=:p1 and condition2=:p2',['p1'=>'Coca-Cola','p2'=>1])

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->where('p1=?',[1]); //...

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->where('p1=? and p2=?',[1,'hello']); //...

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->where('p2=?',['hello']); //...

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")->from("table")

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->order('p1 desc'); //...

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->group('p1'); //...

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->having('p1>?',array(1)); //...

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")

$stmt = $pdoOne->select("*")
while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) {
  // do something

$this->select('select id,name from table')
      ->fetchLoop(static function($row) {return($row);},\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")

$results = $pdoOne->toMeta('select * from table'); 

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->toListSimple(); // ['1','2','3','4']

$results = $pdoOne->select("cod,name")
->toListKeyValue(); // ['cod1'=>'name1','cod2'=>'name2']

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")
->toResult(); //

$count=$this->count('from product_category')->firstScalar();

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")

$results = $pdoOne->select("*")

$sql = $pdoOne->select("*")
echo $sql; // returns select * from table
$results=$pdoOne->toList(); // executes the query






        ->set(['idproducttype',0 ,'name','Pepsi' ,'type',1])




        ->set('(idproducttype,name,type) values (?,?,?)',[100,'Pepsi',1])

    ,['name','type'] //set
    ,[6,'Captain-Crunch',2] //set
    ,['idproducttype'] // where
    ,[6]); // where

    ,['name'=>'Captain-Crunch','type'=>2] // set
    ,['idproducttype'=>6]); // where

    ->set("name=?",['Captain-Crunch']) //set
    ->set("type=?",[6]) //set
    ->where('idproducttype=?',[6]) // where
    ->update(); // update

    ->set("name=?",'Captain-Crunch') //set
    ->set("type=?",6) //set
    ->where('idproducttype=?',[6]) // where
    ->update(); // update

    ,['idproducttype'] // where
    ,[7]); // where

    ,['idproducttype'=>7]); // where

    ->where('idproducttype=?',[7]) // where

    ->where(['idproducttype'=>7]) // where

class CacheService implements \eftec\IPdoOneCache {
    public $cacheData=[];
    public $cacheCounter=0; // for debug
    public  function getCache($uid,$family='') {
        if(isset($this->cacheData[$uid])) {
            echo "using cache\n";
            return $this->cacheData[$uid];
        return false;
    public function setCache($uid,$family='',$data=null,$ttl=null) {
    public function invalidateCache($uid = '', $family = '') {
$cache=new CacheService();

    $pdoOne=new PdoOne("mysql","","travis","","travisdb");
    $cache=new CacheService();

    $pdoOne->select('select * from table')
        ->useCache()->toList(); // cache that never expires
    $pdoOne->select('select * from table')
        ->useCache(1000)->toList(); // cache that lasts 1000ms.

class CacheService implements \eftec\IPdoOneCache {
    public  function getCache($uid,$family='') {
        return apcu_fetch($uid);
    public function setCache($uid,$family='',$data=null,$ttl=null) {
    public function invalidateCache($uid = '', $family = '') {
        // invalidate cache
$cache=new CacheService();

$dao->nodeId=1; // optional
$dao->tableSequence='snowflake'; // optional
$dao->createSequence(); // it creates a table (and it could create a store procedure) called snowflake and a function called next_snowflake(). You could create it only once.

$pdo->getSequencePHP() // string(19) "3639032938181434317" 

$dao->getSequencePHP(true) // string(19) "1739032938181434311" 

$pdo->getSequence() // string(19) "3639032938181434317" 
$pdo->getSequencePHP() // string(19) "3639032938181434317" 

$pdo->getSequence(true) // returns a sequence by flipping some values.
$pdo->getSequencePHP(true) // string(19) "1739032938181434311" 

$this->setEncryption(12345678, '', 'INTEGER'); // the type of encryption is integer and it only works with integers. It doesn't use a salt value
$this->setEncryption('password', 'some-salt', 'AES-256-CTR'); // the password, the salt and the type of encryption (aes-256-ctr), you can use other methods
$this->setEncryption('passwrd', '', 'SIMPLE'); // the type of encryption is simple and it only works with primitive values. It doesn't use a salt.

$encrypted=$this->encrypt($original); // encrypt $original
$original=$this->decrypt($encrypted); // decrypt $encrypted

$this->setEncryption('12345', 'salt-1234'); // it will use AES-256-CTR, the password and the salt must be secret.
// create user
$this->set(['username' => 1, 'password' => $this->encrypt($password)])
// validate user
// $user= if false or null then the user does not exist or the password is incorrect.

$pdoOne->logLevel=3; // the highest for debug.

$pdoOne->throwOnError=false; // it could be used in production.

var_dump($pdoOne->lastQuery); // it shows the last query
var_dump($pdoOne->lastParam); // and it shows the last parameters.


 * Generated by PdoOne Version 1.28
 * Class ActorRepo
class ActorRepo
    const TABLE = 'Actor';
    const PK = 'actor_id';
    /** @var PdoOne */
    public static $pdoOne = null;

     * It creates a new table<br>
     * If the table exists then the operation is ignored (and it returns false)
     * @param array $definition
     * @param null  $extra
     * @return array|bool|PDOStatement
     * @throws Exception
    public static function createTable($definition, $extra = null) {
        if (!self::getPdoOne()->tableExist(self::TABLE)) {
            return self::getPdoOne()->createTable(self::TABLE, $definition, self::PK, $extra);
        return false; // table already exist
    // .....

// 1) option 1, inject an instance of $pdo
ActorRepo::setPdoOne($pdoOne); // it inject the current connect to the database

// 2) option 2.
// If the global variable $pdoOne exists, then it is injected. (unless it is defined by using setPdoOne()
$pdoOne=new PdoOne("mysql","","root","abc.123","sakila","");

// 3) option 3
// If the global function pdoOne() exists, then it is used for obtain the instance.
function pdoOne() {
    global $pdo;
    if ($pdo===null) {
        $pdo=new PdoOne('mysql','','root','abc.123','sakila');
    return $pdo;

$actorActorRepo::get(2); // it will read the actor with the pk=2 and it will return as an array.
$actors=$actorArray=ActorRepo::select(); // it returns all the rows.

 /** @var array $result=array(["actor_id"=>0,"first_name"=>'',"last_name"=>'',"last_update"=>'']) */

// ["actor_id"=>0,"first_name"=>'',"last_name"=>'',"last_update"=>'']

use eftec\PdoOne;
use mapache_commons\Collection;

y"); // we need any connection.


// We don't have a method to alter a table.
$ok=TablaParentRepo::validTable(); // it returns true if the table matches with the definition stored into the clas

// select * 
//        from table 
//        inner join table2 on t1=t2 
//        where col=:arg
//        and col2=:arg2
//    group by col
//        having col3=:arg3
//    order by col
//    limit 20,30
    ->innerjoin('table2 on t1=t2')
    ->where('col=:arg and col2:=arg2',[20,30]) 
    // it also works with ->where('col=:arg',20)->where('col2'=>30)
    // it also works with ->where('col=?',20)->where('col2=?'=>30)
    ->toList(); // end of the chain

// where obj is an associative array or an object, where the keys are the name of the columns (case sensitive)

$obj=['IdUser'=>1,'Name'='John Doe']; 
UserRepo::validateModel($obj,false,['_messages']); // returns true if $obj is a valid User.

// some operations that involves recursive
if($this->hasRecursive('table1')) {
    $this->innerJoin('table1 on table.c=table1.c');
if($this->hasRecursive('table1.table2')) {
    $this->innerJoin('table1 on table1.c=table2.c');
$r=$this->toList(); // recursive is resetted.

       "film_id" => "int NOT NULL IDENTITY(1,1)",
       "title" => "varchar(255) NOT NULL",
       "description" => "text(2147483647) DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "release_year" => "varchar(4)",
       "language_id" => "tinyint NOT NULL",
       "original_language_id" => "tinyint DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "rental_duration" => "tinyint NOT NULL DEFAULT ((3))",
       "rental_rate" => "decimal(4,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ((4.99))",
       "length" => "smallint DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "replacement_cost" => "decimal(5,2) NOT NULL DEFAULT ((19.99))",
       "rating" => "varchar(10) DEFAULT ('G')",
       "special_features" => "varchar(255) DEFAULT (NULL)",
       "last_update" => "datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT (getdate())"
       "language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES language(language_id)",
       "original_language_id" => "FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES language(language_id)",
       "film_id" => "PRIMARY KEY"

array(3) {
  array(7) {
    string(4) "LONG"
    array(2) {
      string(8) "not_null"
      string(11) "primary_key"
    string(11) "producttype"
    string(13) "idproducttype"
  array(7) {
    string(10) "VAR_STRING"
    array(0) {
    string(11) "producttype"
    string(4) "name"
php pdoonecli --loadconfig myconfig -in actor -out csv
$this->hasRecursive('anything'); // it always returns true.
      $result=$pdo->sum('xxx')->firstScalar(); // before
      $result=$pdo->sum('xxx'); // now