PHP code example of eftec / dashone

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download eftec/dashone library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


eftec / dashone example snippets

use eftec\DashOne\DashOne;
$dash=new DashOne();
$dash->head('Example - test 1'); // it is  renders an empty page

use eftec\DashOne\DashOne;
$dash=new DashOne();

$dash->head('Example - test 1');

use eftec\DashOne\DashOne;
$dash=new DashOne();
$dash->head('Example - test 1')

// see examples/testuibasic.php
$dash=new DashOne();
$dash->head('Example - test 1')
	->menuUpper(['Upper title'])
	->menu($links) // left menu
	// here it goes the content

$dash->alert("It is an alert","Content of the alert")

$dash->alert("It is an alert","Content of the alert","alert alert-danger")

	new ButtonOne('button1','Click me','btn btn-primary'),
	new ButtonOne('button2','Click me too','btn btn-danger')

$dash->buttons($buttons,false) // where if true then buttons are aligned with the form

	$dash->container("<div class='form-group row'><div class='col-sm-10 offset-sm-2'>%control</div></div>")

	$dash->container("<hr>%control<hr>")->rawHtml("hello world")


$dash->form($currentValue) // it's macro of new FormOne()


$dash->form($currentValue,$definition) // it's macro of new FormOne()


$dash->ul($valueUL) // it's macro of new UlOne()


$dash->table($values)->...  // it must be called after the render

$dash=new DashOne();

$dash->head('Example - test 1');

$dash=new DashOne();

$dash->head('Example - test 1');
$dash->menuUpper([new ImageOne('')," - ",new LinkOne('Cocacola','#')]);
	->startcontent() // start the container
		->menu($links) // left menu
		->startmain() // start the main container
			->title('Table of Products')

@session_start(); // or via php.ini

// array(5) { ["username"]=> "" ["password"]=> "" ["remember"]=> "" ["_csrf"]=>  "" ["result"]=> bool(true) }

$dash=new DashOne(false,true,'salt_123',['user'=>'john','password'=>'doe']);

$validateLogin= function($user) {
    // this method could access to the database
    return $user['username'] === 'john' && $user['password'] === 'doe';
$dash=new DashOne(false,false,'salt_123',$validateLogin);

$dash->fetchLogin($user); // user could returns [ ["username"]=> "" ["password"]=> "" ["remember"]=> "" ["_csrf"]=>  "" ["result"]=> bool(true) ]

if($user['result']) {
} else {
    $message='user or password incorrect';

$dash->head('Example - test 1','',true) // title of the page, extra content in the header and true= for login page
    ->login($user,null,'Sign-In') // user variable, null or link to the login image and title of the login page
        ->alert($message) // (optional) shows an alert inside the login page
        ->footer() // (optional) shows a footer inside the login
    ->endLogin() // end login container


if (!$dash->checkCSRF()) {

if (isset($_SESSION['user']) ) {
	// user has sign-in
} else {
    // user hasn't sign-in