PHP code example of eftec / bladeonehtml

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download eftec/bladeonehtml library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


eftec / bladeonehtml example snippets

use eftec\bladeone\BladeOne;
use eftec\bladeonehtml\BladeOneHtml;

class myBlade extends  BladeOne {
    use BladeOneHtml;

$blade=new myBlade();

// for our example:
echo $blade->run("exampleview", ['myvalue'=>$myvalue]);

$current=isset($_GET['_page']) ? $_GET['_page'] : 1;
echo $blade->run("examplepagination", 


$this->addCss('<link rel="stylesheet" href="mystyle.css">','mystyle'); 

$this->addJs('<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>','jquery');


// if true then it loads the css and js from a cdn into the css and jsbox so it n into the css and jsbox so it 

$blade->defaultClass[$tagname]='default class';


$blade->pattern['input']='{{pre}}<input{{inner}} >{{between}}</input>{{post}}';

$blade->customAttr['customtag']='This attr is missing!'; 
$blade->pattern['alert']='{{pre}}<div {{inner}}><h1>{{customtag}}</h1>{{between}}</div>{{post}}';





$this->addJs('<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>','jquery');


$this->pattern['sometag']='{{pre}}<tag {{inner}}>{{between}}</tag>{{post}}';

$this->defaultClass['sometag']='classred classbackgroundblue';

$this->customAttr['customtag']='XXXXX'; // So we could use the tag {{customtag}}. 'XXXXX' is the default value

use eftec\bladeone\BladeOne;
use eftec\bladeonehtml\BladeOneHtml;

class MyBlade extends  BladeOne {
    use BladeOneHtml;
class MyClass extends MyBlade {
    protected function compileMyNewTag($expression) { // the method must be called "compile" + your name of tag.
        $args = $this->getArgs($expression); // it separates the values of the tags
        $result = ['', '', '', '']; // inner, between, pre, post
        // your custom code here
        return $this->render($args, 'mynewtag', $result); // we should indicate to use our pattern.

trait MyTrait {
    protected function compileMyNewTag($expression) { // the method must be called "compile" + your name of tag.
        $args = $this->getArgs($expression); // it separates the values of the tags
        $result = ['', '', '', '']; // inner, between, pre, post
        // your custom code here
        return $this->render($args, 'mynewtag', $result); // we should indicate to use our pattern.

class MyClass extends  BladeOne {
    use BladeOneHtml;
    use MyTrait; // <-- our trait

$this->pattern['mynewtag']='<mycustomtag {{inner}}>{{between}}';

protected function compileMyNewTag($expression) {
	$args = $this->getArgs($expression); // it loads and separates the arguments.
    $this->htmlItem[] = ['type' => 'mynewtag','value' => @$args['value']
    $result = ['', '', '', '']; // inner, between, pre, post
    //unset($args['value']); // we could unset values that we don't want to be rendered.
    return $this->render($args, 'select', $result);


protected function compileEndNewTag() {
    $parent = @\array_pop($this->htmlItem); // remove the element from the stack
    if (\is_null($parent) || $parent['type']!=='newtag') { // if no element in the stack or it's a wrong one then error
        $this->showError("@endnewtag", "Missing @initial tag", true);
    // our code
    return $this->pattern[$parent['type'] . '_end']; // renders the element of the stack

$parent = \end($this->htmlItem);

protected function compileDatePicker($expression) {
	$args = $this->getArgs($expression); // it loads and separates the arguments.
    \array_push($this->htmlItem, ['type' => 'mynewtag','value' => @$args['value']]);
    $result = ['', '', '', '']; // inner, between, pre, post
    if(!isset($args['id'])) {
        $this->showError("@datepicker", "Missing @id tag", true);
    $this->addJs('<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>','jquery'); // our script needs jquery (if it is not loaded)
    //unset($args['value']); // we could unset values that we don't want to be rendered.
    return $this->render($args, 'select', $result);
 // the
<input value=" echo $this->e($hello);

$this->pattern['mynewtag']='<mycustomtag {{inner}}>{{between}}</mycustomtag>';