PHP code example of eftec / amp-generator-one

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download eftec/amp-generator-one library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


eftec / amp-generator-one example snippets

$secImage= new SectionModel("The Cupcakes","","/image.jpg");
$secImage->buttons[]=new ButtonModel("More Information","#");
$secImage->buttons[]=new ButtonModel("More Information","#","warning");

use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\AmpGeneratorOne;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\ButtonModel;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\FooterModel;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\HeaderModel;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\HeadModel;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\LinkModel;
use eftec\AmpGeneratorOne\SectionModel;

mp->head(new HeadModel("",$base."logo.png"),70,70);

// # example section
$amp->sectionFirst(new SectionModel("Title","Description"));

// # footer
$amp->sectionFooter(new FooterModel("Copyright something(c)","See as desktop"));

amp->render(); // you also could generate a file.




























