PHP code example of effectra / config

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download effectra/config library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


effectra / config example snippets

use Effectra\Config\ConfigFile;
use Effectra\Config\ConfigDriver;
use Effectra\Config\ConfigCookie;
use Effectra\Config\ConfigEditor;

use Effectra\Config\ConfigFile;

// Create a ConfigFile instance with the path to your configuration file
$configFile = new ConfigFile('/path/to/config.ini');

// Read the configuration settings from the file
$config = $configFile->read();

// Access specific sections and settings
$databaseConfig = $configFile->getSection('database');
$host = $databaseConfig['host'];
$username = $databaseConfig['username'];

// Modify a setting and write the changes back to the file
$config['app']['debug'] = true;

use Effectra\Config\ConfigDriver;

// Create a ConfigDriver instance with initial settings
$driver = new ConfigDriver('mysql', 'localhost', 3306, 'username', 'password');

// Get the current driver details
$driverName = $driver->getDriver();
$host = $driver->getHost();

// Update the driver settings
$driver = $driver->withHost('newhost')->withPort(8888);

// Get the updated driver details
$newHost = $driver->getHost();
$newPort = $driver->getPort();

use Effectra\Config\ConfigCookie;

// Create a ConfigCookie instance with initial attributes
$cookie = new ConfigCookie('session', 'abc123', 3600, '/', '', true, true);

// Get the cookie attributes
$name = $cookie->getName();
$secure = $cookie->getSecure();

// Create a new cookie instance with updated attributes
$newCookie = $cookie->withExpireOrOptions(7200)->withSecure(false);

// Get the updated cookie attributes
$newExpire = $newCookie->getExpireOrOptions();
$newSecure = $newCookie->getSecure();

use Effectra\Config\ConfigEditor;

// Create a ConfigEditor instance with the path to an EditorConfig file
$editorConfig = new ConfigEditor('/path/to/.editorconfig');

// Get the root value from the EditorConfig file
$root = $editorConfig->getRoot();

// Get the indent_size and end_of_line settings
$indentSize = $editorConfig->getIndentSize();
$endOfLine = $editorConfig->getEndOfLine();

// Check if a charset setting is defined
if ($editorConfig->hasSection('charset')) {
    $charsetSettings = $editorConfig->getSection('charset');
    // Process the charset settings
} else {
    // Handle the case when charset settings are not present