PHP code example of edwindayot / echonest

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download edwindayot/echonest library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


edwindayot / echonest example snippets

  use Echonest\Facade\Echonest;

  $echonest = Echonest::init('YOUR_API_KEY');

  use Echonest\Facade\EchonestArtists;
  $artists = new EchonestArtists($echonest);

  $artists->getSearch()->setName('Martin Garrix');

    ->setName('Martin Garrix')

  $martin_garrix = $artists->getSearch()
    ->setName('Martin Garrix')

  $martin_garrix = $artists->getSearch()
    ->setName('Martin Garrix')

  use Echonest\Facade\EchonestArtists;


  use Echonest\Facade\EchonestSongs;


  use Echonest\Facade\EchonestGenres;


  use Echonest\Facade\EchonestTracks;

    ->setName('a name') // alias for setOption('name', 'a name')
    ->setId('anID') // alias for setOption('id', 'anID')
    ->setBucket('a_bucket') // alias for setOption('bucket', 'a_bucket')
    ->sortBy('a_sort_option', 'desc') // alias for setOption('sort', 'a_sort_option-desc')
    ->setOption('option_name', 'value')
    ->limit(3) // get 3 elements (0, 1, 2)
    ->limit(3, 2) // get 3 elements starting from 3rd base element (2, 3, 4)

    ->has('artists') // return bool
    ->toArray(); // return the array transformed values of $items

  $array = $artists->get();
  echo $array['artists'];

  $array = $artists->get();
  foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
    echo "$key = $value";