PHP code example of edvlerblog / yii2-adldap-module
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download edvlerblog/yii2-adldap-module library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
'components' => [
// other components ...
'ad' => [
'class' => 'Edvlerblog\Adldap2\Adldap2Wrapper',
* Set the default provider to one of the providers defined in the
* providers array.
* If this is commented out, the entry 'default' in the providers array is
* used.
* See
* Setting a default connection
// 'defaultProvider' => 'another_provider',
* Adlapd2 can handle multiple providers to different Active Directory sources.
* Each provider has it's own config.
* In the providers section it's possible to define multiple providers as listed as example below.
* But it's enough to only define the "default" provider!
'providers' => [
* Always add a default provider!
* You can get the provider with:
* $provider = \Yii::$app->ad->getDefaultProvider();
* or with $provider = \Yii::$app->ad->getProvider('default');
'default' => [ //Providername default
// Connect this provider on initialisation of the LdapWrapper Class automatically
'autoconnect' => true,
// The provider's schema. Default is \Adldap\Schemas\ActiveDirectory set in
// You can make your own or use one from
// Example to set it to OpenLDAP:
// 'schema' => new \Adldap\Schemas\OpenLDAP(),
// The config has to be defined as described in the Adldap2 documentation.
'config' => [
// Your account suffix, for example: [email protected]
'account_suffix' => '@example.lan',
// You can use the host name or the IP address of your controllers.
'hosts' => ['server01.example.lan', 'server02.example.lan'],
// Your base DN. This is usually your account suffix.
'base_dn' => 'dc=example,dc=lan',
// The account to use for querying / modifying users. This
// does not need to be an actual admin account.
'username' => '[email protected]',
'password' => 'password_ldap_access!',
// To enable SSL/TLS read the docs/ and uncomment
// the variables below
//'port' => 636,
//'use_ssl' => true,
//'use_tls' => true,
* Another Provider
* You don't have to define another provider if you don't need it. It's just an example.
* You can get the provider with:
* or with $provider = \Yii::$app->ad->getProvider('another_provider');
'another_provider' => [ //Providername another_provider
// Connect this provider on initialisation of the LdapWrapper Class automatically
'autoconnect' => false,
// The provider's schema. Default is \Adldap\Schemas\ActiveDirectory set in
// You can make your own or use one from
// Example to set it to OpenLDAP:
// 'schema' => new \Adldap\Schemas\OpenLDAP(),
// The config has to be defined as described in the Adldap2 documentation.
'config' => [
// Your account suffix, for example: [email protected]
'account_suffix' => '@test.lan',
// You can use the host name or the IP address of your controllers.
'hosts' => ['server1.test.lan', 'server2'],
// Your base DN. This is usually your account suffix.
'base_dn' => 'dc=test,dc=lan',
// The account to use for querying / modifying users. This
// does not need to be an actual admin account.
'username' => '[email protected]',
'password' => 'password_ldap_access',
// To enable SSL/TLS read the docs/ and uncomment
// the variables below
//'port' => 636,
//'use_ssl' => true,
//'use_tls' => true,
] // close config
], // close provider
], // close providers array
], //close ad
$un = 'testuser';
There are three ways available to call Adldap2 function.
If you use more providers (multiple Active Directory connections)
you make one as default and you can call this one with Method1 or Method2
and the second one will be called with Method3.
//Get the Ldap object for the user.
//$ldapObject holds a class of type Adldap\Models\User from the Adldap project!
// Method 1: uses the default provider given in the configuration above (array key defaultProvider)
$ldapObject = \Yii::$app->ad->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', $un);
// Method 2: uses the default provider given in the configuration above (array key defaultProvider)
$ldapObject = \Yii::$app->ad->getDefaultProvider()->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', $un);
// Method 3: get the provider by name (here name default is used).
$ldapObject = \Yii::$app->ad->getProvider('default')->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', $un);
//Please note that all fields from ldap are arrays!
//Access it with ..[0] if it is a single value field.
$givenName = $ldapObject['givenname'][0];
$surname = $ldapObject['sn'][0];
$displayname = $ldapObject['displayname'][0];
$telephone = $ldapObject['telephonenumber'][0];
echo 'gn: ' . $givenName . ' sn: ' . $surname .
' dispname: ' . $displayname . ' phone: ' . $telephone;
//Print all possible attributes
echo '<pre>' . print_r($ldapObject,true) . '</pre>';
// More ways to get attributes:
//Has user a permission?
$hasPermission = \Yii::$app->user->can('permissionDisplayDetailedAbout');
//Query informations from Active Directory. You can use it in a controller, a view, everywhere in yii2!
if (!\Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
//Get the yii2 identitiy, which was set by the Yii::$app->user->login(..,..) function
//See model/LoginForm.php in the basic template for the login logic
$yii2IdentityObject = \Yii::$app->user->identity;
$rolesOfUser = \Yii::$app->authManager->getRolesByUser($yii2IdentityObject->getId());
echo '<pre>' . print_r($rolesOfUser,true) . '</pre>';
//Get the Ldap object for the user.
//$ldapObject holds a class of type Adldap\Models\User from the Adldap project!
//No performance issues, because the queryLdapUserObject function uses a cache.
$ldapObject = $yii2IdentityObject->queryLdapUserObject();
//Please note that all fields from ldap are arrays!
//Access it with ..[0] if it is a single value field.
$givenName = $ldapObject['givenname'][0];
$surname = $ldapObject['surname'][0];
$displayname = $ldapObject['displayname'][0];
$telephone = $ldapObject['telephonenumber'][0];
echo 'gn: ' . $givenName . ' sn: ' . $surname .
' dispname: ' . $displayname . ' phone: ' . $telephone;
//Print all possible attributes
echo '<pre>' . print_r($ldapObject,true) . '</pre>';
// More ways to get attributes of a user model:
// Step 1: Query the ldap object (via method 1 or method 2)
$un = 'testuser';
$ldapObject = \Yii::$app->ad->getProvider('default')->search()->findBy('sAMAccountname', $un);
// Step 2: Update the attribute
$ldapObject->setDisplayName('Fancy New Displayname');
// Step 3: Save an check return value
if ($ldapObject->save()) {
echo "// Displayname successfully updated.";
} else {
echo "// There was an issue updating this user.";
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