PHP code example of eclipxe / xlsxexporter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download eclipxe/xlsxexporter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


eclipxe / xlsxexporter example snippets

use Eclipxe\XlsxExporter;
use Eclipxe\XlsxExporter\CellTypes;
use Eclipxe\XlsxExporter\Column;
use Eclipxe\XlsxExporter\Columns;
use Eclipxe\XlsxExporter\Providers\ProviderArray;
use Eclipxe\XlsxExporter\Style;
use Eclipxe\XlsxExporter\Styles\Format;
use Eclipxe\XlsxExporter\WorkBook;
use Eclipxe\XlsxExporter\WorkSheet;
use Eclipxe\XlsxExporter\WorkSheets;
use Eclipxe\XlsxExporter\Exceptions\XlsxException;

// create a simple array as example
$provider = new ProviderArray([
    ['first_name' => 'Charles', 'amount' => 1234.561, 'visit' => strtotime('2014-01-13 13:14:15'), 'check' => 1],
    ['first_name' => 'Foo', 'amount' => 6543.219, 'visit' => strtotime('2014-12-31 23:59:59'), 'check' => 0],

// create some special formats
$formatNumber2Decimals = new Style(['format' => ['code' => Format::FORMAT_COMMA_2DECS]]);
$formatDateTime = new Style(['format' => ['code' => Format::FORMAT_DATE_YMDHM]]);
$formatYesNo = new Style(['format' => ['code' => Format::FORMAT_YESNO]]);

// create the workbook with all the information
$workbook = new WorkBook(
    new WorkSheets(
        new WorkSheet('sheet01', $provider, new Columns(
            new Column('first_name', 'Name'),
            new Column('amount', 'Amount', CellTypes::NUMBER, $formatNumber2Decimals),
            new Column('visit', 'Visit', CellTypes::DATETIME, $formatDateTime),
            new Column('check', 'Check', CellTypes::BOOLEAN, $formatYesNo),

// call the write process
    XlsxExporter::save($workbook, __DIR__ . '/result.xlsx');
} catch (XlsxException $exception) {
    echo 'Export error: ', $exception->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;