PHP code example of ebln / psr7-symfony1-adapter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ebln/psr7-symfony1-adapter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ebln / psr7-symfony1-adapter example snippets

// not fully PSR-7 compliant lazy adapters
$serverRequestAdapter = \brnc\Symfony1\Message\Adapter\Request::fromSfWebRequest($sfWebRequest);
$responseAdapter      = \brnc\Symfony1\Message\Adapter\Response::fromSfWebResponse($sfWebResponse);

use brnc\Symfony1\Message\Adapter\Request;

$serverRequestAdapter = Request::fromSfWebRequest(
        // If set to true a stream on php://input is used instead of creating one over sfWebRequest::getContent() → defaults to false
        Request::OPTION_BODY_USE_STREAM     => false,
        // sfWebRequest-compatibility mode – set to false if you need PSR-7's immutability
        Request::OPTION_IMMUTABLE_VIOLATION => true, 

use brnc\Symfony1\Message\Adapter\Response;

$responseAdapter = Response::fromSfWebResponse(
    [Response::OPTION_IMMUTABLE_VIOLATION => false]
$newInstance     = $responseAdapter->withBody(
        '<html><head><title>Hello World!</title></head><body><h1>PSR-7 Adapters!</h1></body></html>'
$newestInstance  = $newInstance->withBody(
        '<html><head><body><h1>dead end</h1></body></html>'

// selects the content of $newInstance to be send instead of the most recent instance's one (i.e. $newestInstance)
// N.b. The stream of $newestInstance is still held in memory until $responseAdapter and all copies got destroyed!
//      This might change in the future when this will be refactored to use WeakMap.


$request         = \brnc\Symfony1\Message\Adapter\Request::fromSfWebRequest($sfWebRequest);
$responseFactory = new \brnc\Symfony1\Message\Factory\ResponseFactory($sfWebResponse);
// (dependency) inject the ResponseFactory to your dispatcher, middlewares, and handlers
$entryPoint      = new YourPSR15Dispatcher($responseFactory);
// Dispatch your sub-stack via PSR-15
$response        = $entryPoint->handler($response);
// As $response will be linked to $sfWebResponse you don't need to do anything
// if you are in the context of a Symfony1 action. Only call $response->getSfWebResponse() in dire need!

// Given arbitrary PSR-7 response…
$psr7response = $psr7responseFactory();
// …use the ResponseTranscriptor in order to–
$transcriptor = new \brnc\Symfony1\Message\Transcriptor\ResponseTranscriptor();
// copy the response's contents.
//   The returned object will be the same as in the argument!
$sfWebResponse = $transcriptor->transcribe($psr7response, $sfWebResponse);

// Use this chain to create a http-foundation request from a Symfony1's \sfWebRequest
$psrRequest            = \brnc\Symfony1\Message\Adapter\Request::fromSfWebRequest($sfWebRequest);
$httpFoundationFactory = \Symfony\Bridge\PsrHttpMessage\Factory\HttpFoundationFactory();
$symfonyRequest        = $httpFoundationFactory->createRequest($psrRequest);

// Handle the request with some present day Symfony component
$symfonyResponse = $httpKernel->handle($symfonyRequest);

// Possibly ResponseFactory is best created in the Symfony1 context
$responseFactory = new \brnc\Symfony1\Message\Factory\ResponseFactory($sfWebResponse);

// Obtain other PSR17 factories,
//   while only ResponseFactory & StreamFactory will be used (as of today)
$streamFactory   = \brnc\Symfony1\Message\Factory\GuzzleStreamFactory();
$decoyFactory    = \brnc\Symfony1\Message\Factory\DecoyHttpFactory();
// Construct the PsrHttpFactory from symfony/psr-http-message-bridge and translate…
$psrHttpFactory  = Symfony\Bridge\PsrHttpMessage\Factory\PsrHttpFactory(
    $decoyFactory, $streamFactory, $decoyFactory, $responseFactory
$psrResponse     = $psrHttpFactory->createResponse($symfonyResponse);
// As $psrResponse will be linked to $sfWebResponse as it was created through the
// ResponseFactory you don't need to do anything if you exit via an Symfony1 action.
// Only call $psrResponse->getSfWebResponse() in dire need!