PHP code example of easyswoole / socket

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download easyswoole/socket library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


easyswoole / socket example snippets

use EasySwoole\Socket\AbstractInterface\Controller;
use EasySwoole\Socket\AbstractInterface\ParserInterface;
use EasySwoole\Socket\Bean\Response;
use EasySwoole\Socket\Bean\Caller;

class C extends Controller{

    private $hit = 0;
    protected $hitTime = 0;

    function __construct()
        var_dump('controller create  '.spl_object_hash($this));

    protected function onRequest(?string $actionName): bool

        $this->hitTime = time();
        return true;

    function test()
//        co::sleep(10);

    protected function gc()
        parent::gc(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
        var_dump('controller has ben gc');

class Parser implements ParserInterface{

    public function decode($raw, $client): ?Caller
        // TODO: Implement decode() method.
        $ret =  new Caller();
        return $ret;

     * 如果这里返回null,则不给客户端任何数据
    public function encode(Response $response, $client): ?string
        // TODO: Implement encode() method.
        return $response->__toString();


$server = new \Swoole\Server("", 9501);

$conf = new \EasySwoole\Socket\Config();
$conf->setParser(new Parser());
$conf->setOnExceptionHandler(function (\swoole_server $server,\Throwable $throwable,string $raw,$client,Response $response){

$dispatch = new \EasySwoole\Socket\Dispatcher($conf);
$server->on('receive', function ($server, $fd, $reactor_id, $data)use($dispatch) {
$server->on('close', function ($server, $fd) {
    echo "connection close: {$fd}\n";