PHP code example of easyswoole / command

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download easyswoole/command library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


easyswoole / command example snippets

class Custom implements \EasySwoole\Command\AbstractInterface\CommandInterface
    public function commandName(): string
        return 'custom';

    public function desc(): string
        return '用户自定义';

    public function exec(): string
        /** 获取原始未变化的argv */

         * 经过处理的数据
         * 比如 1 2 3 a=1 aa=123
         * 处理之后就变成[1, 2, 3, 'a' => 1, 'aa' => 123]

         * 获取选项
         * 比如 --config=dev -d
         * 处理之后就是['config' => 'dev', 'd' => true]

         * 根据下标或者键来获取值

         * 根据键来获取选项

         * 检测在args中是否存在该下标或者键

         * 检测在opts中是否存在该键

        return '自定义命令行执行方法';

    public function help(\EasySwoole\Command\AbstractInterface\CommandHelpInterface $commandHelp): \EasySwoole\Command\AbstractInterface\CommandHelpInterface
        return $commandHelp;

\EasySwoole\Command\CommandManager::getInstance()->addCommand(new Custom());