PHP code example of easydowork / yii2-rotate-captcha
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download easydowork/yii2-rotate-captcha library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
easydowork / yii2-rotate-captcha example snippets
public function behaviors()
return [
'access' => [
'class' => AccessControl::className(),
'rules' => [
'actions' => ['captcha'],//允许访问
'allow' => true,
public function actions()
return [
'captcha' => [
'class' => 'easydowork\rotateCaptcha\CaptchaAction',
'captchaOption' => [
'imagePath' => '',//验证码图片库目录
'cacheImagePath' => '',//旋转后验证码缓存目录
'cacheHandel' => '',//缓存类继承yii\caching\Cache
'cacheExpire' => 60,//验证码token过期时间
'salt' => '',//加密字符串参数 默认为当前文件地址
'size' => 350,//生成图片大小 px
'earea' => 10,//验证图片时允许旋转角度的误差值
'imageHandleConfig' => [ //生成验证码的参数
'quality' => 80,//图片质量
'bgcolor' => '#fff', // 底色
'callbackFunc' => [ //一些回调函数 参数可看代码 非必填
'cacheKey' => function(){},//token缓存key
'cacheValue' => function(){},//token缓存value
'check' => function(){},//验证token
'generateValue' => function(){},//图片验证码通过后返回的value
'validateValue' => function(){},//校验value
public function rules()
return [
['captcha', 'easydowork\rotateCaptcha\CaptchaValidator','captchaAction'=>'site/captcha','message'=>'验证码不正确!'],
//view 视图中使用
<?= $form->field($model,'captcha')->label(false)->widget(\easydowork\rotateCaptcha\CaptchaWidget::class,[
'captchaOptions' => [
'theme' => '#07f', // 验证码主色调
'title' => '安全验证',
'desc' => '拖动滑块,使图片角度为正',
'width' => 305, // 验证界面的宽度
'successClose' => 1500, // 验证成功后页面关闭时间
'timerProgressBar' => true, // 验证成功后关闭时是否显示进度条
'timerProgressBarColor' => '#07f', // 进度条颜色
'url' => [
'create' => Url::to(['captcha', 'type' => 'create']),// 获取验证码信息
'check' => Url::to(['captcha', 'type' => 'check']),// 验证