1. Go to this page and download the library: Download easyconn/phalcon-loggers library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
easyconn / phalcon-loggers example snippets
$loader = new Phalcon\Loader;
'CrazyFactory\\PhalconLogger' => '/path/to/vendor/crazyfactory/phalcon-loggers/src/',
$id = (new Phalcon\Security\Random)->uuid();
$di = new Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault;
(new CrazyFactory\PhalconLogger\Service)->register(null, $di);
// If you already have `requestId` in config array/object you don't need to set it again.
$di->getShared('logger')->info('some text');
// Supports interpolation for keys wrapped in curly brace.
$di->getShared('logger')->critical('some text {key}', ['key' => 'val']);
// Below examples assume that info level is allowed in config->slack->levels array.
// Mention an user in slack:
$context = ['mentions' => 'slackbot', 'a' => 10];
$di->getShared('slack')->info('some text {a}', $context);
// Customize channel, username, icon_emoji, icon_url via context:
$context += [
'username' => 'bot',
'channel' => '#general',
'icon_emoji' => ':monkey_face:',
$di->getShared('slack')->info('some other text {a}', $context);
// Attachment:
$context += [
'attachment' => [
'title' => 'Attachment title',
'text' => 'Attachment text',
'color' => 'good',
$di->getShared('slack')->info('yet other text {a} with attachment', $context);
use Phalcon\Logger;
$config = [
// The application name used in logs. Helps to distinguish &/or search.
'appName' => '',
// Current application environment.
'environment' => 'prod',
'requestID' => null,
'sentry' => [
// The login information for Sentry. If one of the values is empty the logging is suppressed silently.
'credential' => [
'key' => '',
'secret' => '',
'projectId' => '',
// The options for Raven_Client. See https://docs.sentry.io/clients/php/config/#available-settings
'options' => [
'curl_method' => 'sync',
'prefixes' => [],
'app_path' => '',
'timeout' => 2,
// Sentry will log errors/exceptions when the application environment set above is one of these.
'environments' => ['prod', 'staging'],
// The log levels which are forwarded to sentry.
'levels' => [Logger::EMERGENCY, Logger::CRITICAL, Logger::ERROR],
// These exceptions are not reported to sentry.
'dontReport' => [],
'slack' => [
// If webhook url is missing the logging is suppressed silently.
'webhookUrl' => '',
// Slack will log messages when the application environment set above is one of these.
'environments' => ['prod', 'dev'],
// Curl method can be 'sync' or 'exec' (sync uses php curl_*, exec runs in background).
'curlMethod' => 'sync',
// HTTP headers to be appended to request.
'headers' => [],
// The log levels which are forwarded to slack.
'levels' => [Logger::SPECIAL, Logger::CUSTOM],
$di = new Phalcon\Di\FactoryDefault;
// Register the loggers with the config:
$di->setShared('sentry', function () use ($config) {
return new CrazyFactory\PhalconLogger\Adapter\Sentry($config);
$di->setShared('slack', function () use ($config) {
return new CrazyFactory\PhalconLogger\Adapter\Slack($config);
// OR you could just use supplied `Service`:
(new CrazyFactory\PhalconLogger\Service)->register($config, $di);
$di->getShared('sentry')->addCrumb('User has just logged in');
// you can also use current user from DI if you have one
$di->getShared('sentry')->setUserContext(['id' => 1, 'username' => 'someone', 'email' => '[email protected]']);
try {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
// However it is advisable to just use logException of the logger collection
// so that all the registered loggers are notified of the exception to do the needful.
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