1. Go to this page and download the library: Download easone95/php-redis-json library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
easone95 / php-redis-json example snippets
use Averias\RedisJson\Enum\JsonCommands;
use Averias\RedisJson\Exception\ResponseException;
use Averias\RedisJson\Factory\RedisJsonClientFactory;
// *** get a RedisJsonClient ***
$redisJsonClientFactory = new RedisJsonClientFactory();
* creates a RedisJsonClient with default connection params:
* [
* 'host' => '',
* 'port' => 6379,
* 'timeout' => 0.0, // seconds
* 'retryInterval' => 15 // milliseconds
* 'readTimeout' => 2, // seconds
* 'persistenceId' => null // string for persistent connections, null for no persistent ones
* 'database' => 0 // Redis database index [0..15]
* ]
$defaultClient = $redisJsonClientFactory->createClient();
// creates a configured RedisJsonClient
$client = $redisJsonClientFactory->createClient([
'host' => '',
'port' => 6390,
'timeout' => 2,
'database' => 15
// *** Redis JSON commands ***
$result = $client->jsonSet('people', ["name" => "gafael", "age" => 12]);
echo ($result === true ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL; // true
$result = $client->jsonGet('people'); // $result = ["name":"gafael","age":12]
echo json_encode($result) . PHP_EOL; // {"name":"gafael","age":12}
$result = $client->jsonGet('people', '.name');
echo $result . PHP_EOL; // "gafael"
$result = $client->jsonGet('people', '.age');
echo $result . PHP_EOL; // 12
// "nonexistent" key does not exist, so a ResponseException is thrown
try {
$result = $client->jsonGet('nonexistent');
echo $result . PHP_EOL;
} catch (ResponseException $e) {
echo "key nonexistent does not exist" . PHP_EOL;
// *** you can also send RedisJSON command as raw commands using "RedisJsonClient::executeRawCommand" ***
// you will send
$result = $client->executeRawCommand(JsonCommands::SET, 'people', '.colors', '["blue", "green"]');
echo $result . PHP_EOL; // 'OK'
// and receive JSON values
$result = $client->executeRawCommand(JsonCommands::GET, 'people', '.');
echo $result . PHP_EOL; // {"name":"gafael","age":12,"colors":["blue","green"]}
// *** you can also issue redis commands and use RedisJsonClient as "phpredis" client:
echo $client->hset('hash-key', 'age', 34) . PHP_EOL; // 0
echo $client->hget('hash-key', 'age') . PHP_EOL; // 34
// $ret = [true,"val1",true,"val2"]
$ret = $client->multi()
->set('key1', 'val1')
->set('key2', 'val2')
echo json_encode($ret) . PHP_EOL;
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