PHP code example of dzaki236 / logging-services

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dzaki236/logging-services library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dzaki236 / logging-services example snippets

'providers' => [
   * Package Service Providers...



public function user()
        # code...
        return $this->belongsTo('App\User','user_id');

public function user()
        # code...
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class,'user_id');

use App\Models\User;


return [
   'flush' => TRUE,  // change this for activate / disactivated flush (default = true)
   'limit' => 1000, // change this for limit you want to flush

// use App\Services\LogActivitiesServices\MainLogActivitiesServices; // You can use namespacing like this at first line before class on contoller

     * Display a listing of the resource.
     * @return void
    public function __construct(MainLogActivitiesServices $logs) {
        $this->loging = $logs; // variable name (optional)

    Or, just write the source like this by following code (without namespacing) :

     * Display a listing of the resource.
     * @return void
    public function __construct(\App\Services\LogActivitiesServices\MainLogActivitiesServices $logs) {
        $this->loging = $logs; // variable name (optional)

// Example at store function on controller
public function store(Request $request)
        $data = new Student($request->all());
        $con = $data->save();
        if ($con) {
            # code...
        $this->loging->activitylog(true,'add student data'); // if success set to true
            return redirect()->route('students.index')->with(['success'=>'Success!']);
        } else {
            # code...
        $this->loging->activitylog(false,'add student data'); // if had failure on proccess set to false
            return redirect()->route('students.index')->with(['error'=>'Failure!']);


// Example at update function on controller
    public function update($id,Request $request)
        $data = Student::find($id)
        $con = $data->save();
        if ($con) {
            # code...
        $this->loging->activitylog(true,'success update student data'); // if success set to true
            return redirect()->route('students.index')->with(['success'=>'Success!']);
        } else {
            # code...
        $this->loging->activitylog(false,'failure update student data'); // if had failure on proccess set to false
            return redirect()->route('students.index')->with(['error'=>'Failure!']);


public function store(Request $request)
        $data = new Student($request->all());
        $con = $data->save();
        if ($con) {
            # code...
        $this->loging->activitylog(true,'add student data'); 
        // loging services this is optional, if you want to record a some log activities on your project but somehow you need it or not.

        /* try this */
        $config = new \Dzaki236\LoggingServices\FileServicesConfig('config.txt'); 
        // the models allowed a constructor to open a new config file (by default : at public path),jsust following the code.

        /*$field = Field To Scaffolding at txt file!*/
        /*$fill = fill this with value (default: request value)*/

        // For example anyway field id you can use at some case!..

            return redirect()->route('students.index')->with(['success'=>'Success!']);
        } else {
            # code...
        $this->loging->activitylog(false,'add student data'); // if had failure on proccess set to false
            return redirect()->route('students.index')->with(['error'=>'Failure!']);


# Wrong code

* Do not use return something else before library loaded!.
* just see some an example's here

# wrong example
... action ...
$data = Model::create($request->all());
return $data;// return some from action
$this->logvariables->activitilog(true,'message logs here');
$files = new \Dzaki236\LoggingServices\FileServicesConfig('vendorlogs.txt');

# right example
... action ...
$data = Model::create($request->all());
$this->logvariables->activitilog(true,'message logs here');
$files = new \Dzaki236\LoggingServices\FileServicesConfig('vendorlogs.txt');
return $data;// return some from action here
$ php artisan logging-services:publish
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan migrate:fresh --seed