PHP code example of dystcz / laravel-cookie-consent-history

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dystcz/laravel-cookie-consent-history library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dystcz / laravel-cookie-consent-history example snippets

// routes/api.php

use Dystcz\CookieConsentHistory\CookieConsentHistoryFacade;


return [
     * The prefix for the table names.
     * You can use your own prefix here, eg. company_ if it were to conflict with existing table names.
     * We leave it empty, so the table name is cookie_consents by default.
    'table_prefix' => '',

     * The prefix for routes.
     * There are only 2 routes, one for storing the consent data and one for retrieving.
     * POST /cookie-consents (or your prefix) saves the consent
     * GET /cookie-consents/{id} gets the consent if exists
    'route_prefix' => 'cookie-consents',

     * Model definition.
     * You can extend the base model to your needs.
    'model' => Dystcz\CookieConsentHistory\Models\CookieConsent::class,

* Store cookie consent data.
* @param StoreCookieConsentRequest $request
* @return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
public function store(StoreCookieConsentRequest $request)
    // Create DTO out of validated request
    $data = new CookieConsentData(...$request->validated());

    $consent = CookieConsentHistory::save($data);

    return new JsonResponse([
        'data' => $consent,
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dystcz\CookieConsentHistory\CookieConsentHistoryServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate