PHP code example of dwgebler / encryption

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dwgebler/encryption library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dwgebler / encryption example snippets

    use Gebler\Encryption\Encryption;
    $crypt = new Encryption();

    $encrypted = $crypt->encryptWithPassword('This is a secret message', 'SecurePassword');
    $decrypted = $crypt->decryptWithPassword($encrypted, 'SecurePassword');

    $mySecret = null;
    $data = "Hello world! This is a secret message.";
    $result = $crypt->encryptWithSecret($data, $mySecret);
    // $mySecret has now been populated with a new secret key

    // Alternatively, generate a new key.
    $mySecret = $crypt->generateEncryptionSecret();
    $result = $crypt->encryptWithSecret($data, $mySecret);

    // Alternatively, create a key and encode it as hex.
    // Keys should be 32 bytes long - shorter keys are forced to this length by a deterministic hash,
    // but this is not recommended. Longer keys will throw an InvalidArgumentException.
    $mySecret = bin2hex("my_super_secret_key");
    // ...or use random_bytes() to generate a random key.
    $mySecret = bin2hex(random_bytes(32));
    $result = $crypt->encryptWithSecret($data, $mySecret);
    // Or, pass in a raw binary key by setting the `hex` parameter to false.
    $mySecret = random_bytes(32);
    $result = $crypt->encryptWithSecret($data, $mySecret, false);
    // $result is now base64 encoded, e.g.
    echo $result;
    // wgYwuB/by9bz+CvHj1EtylicXnRH6hl9hLALsUUPUHaZeO3sEj4hgi8+pKBZGZIG6ueRKw3xpvrG8dRWU9OCn3aMtlwLz8aapUX/oK3L 

    $mySecret = "my_super_secret_key";
    $message = "This is a test message.";
    $encrypted = $crypt->encryptWithSecret($message, $mySecret, false);
    echo $encrypted, PHP_EOL;
    $decrypted = $crypt->decryptWithSecret($encrypted, $mySecret, false);
    echo $decrypted, PHP_EOL;

    // Generate a new random keypair.
    $keypair = $crypt->generateEncryptionKeypair();
    // Or provide a password to generate a deterministic keypair.
    $keypair = $crypt->generateEncryptionKeypair("my_super_secret_password");
    // Or use a pre-existing keypair.
    // Once you have a keypair, you can export the public key as a hexadecimal string,
    // for storage or transmission.
    $publicKey = $keypair['publicKey'];
    // The keypair also 

    $aliceKeypair = $crypt->generateEncryptionKeypair("alice_secret");
    // In the real-world, Bob has provided Alice with his public key, but for demo purposes
    // we'll generate a keypair for him too.
    $bobKeypair = $crypt->generateEncryptionKeypair("bob_secret");
    // Alice encrypts a message for Bob, using his public key and her private key.
    $message = "Hello Bob! This is a secret message from Alice.";
    $encrypted = $crypt->encryptWithKey($message, $bobKeypair['publicKey'], $aliceKeypair['privateKey']);
    // Alice can now transmit $encrypted to Bob. It will look something like this:
    // hMvdJf2L78ZWcF38WRXJ16q3xXnlsWWfOsbJISPVwJhBtdcWbZ8SquS3oyJD1k6H/lAs+VHXPpDNfYLWO3wMLl+FB8rYUyCe+IZzti3dFL0YljeJ3QreGlrv
    echo $encrypted, PHP_EOL;
    // Bob decrypts the message using his private key and the public key of Alice.
    $decrypted = $crypt->decryptWithKey($encrypted, $bobKeypair['privateKey'], $aliceKeypair['publicKey']);
    // Hello Bob! This is a secret message from Alice.
    echo $decrypted, PHP_EOL;

    $bobKeypair = $crypt->generateEncryptionKeypair("bob_secret");
    // Alice encrypts a message for Bob, using his public key.
    $message = "Hello Bob! This is a secret message from an unknown sender.";
    $encrypted = $crypt->encryptWithKey($message, $bobKeypair['publicKey']);
    // Alice can now transmit $encrypted to Bob.
    echo $encrypted, PHP_EOL;
    // Bob decrypts the message using his full keypair.
    $decrypted = $crypt->decryptWithKey($encrypted, $bobKeypair['keypair']);
    // Hello Bob! This is a secret message from an unknown sender.
    echo $decrypted, PHP_EOL;

    // Generate a new random keypair.
    // Like generateEncryptionKeypair, you can also optionally provide a password to generate a deterministic keypair.
    $aliceSigningKeypair = $crypt->generateSigningKeypair();
    // Alice signs a message for Bob, using her private key.
    $message = "This is a message signed by Alice.";
    $signedMessage = $crypt->getSignedMessage($message, $aliceSigningKeypair['privateKey']);
    // Alice can now transmit $signedMessage to Bob. It will look something like this:
    // JaI6p6jb5qQ041DiK1Yqbk8u1r/wVAovzy57ELfwrWfhqLCUU9jTzBLH6K6v1VF/8vOxaOZe2r8ch/GUKmfgC1RoaXMgaXMgYSBtZXNzYWdlIHNpZ25lZCBieSBBbGljZS4=
    // Note: The message itself is NOT encrypted and can be viewed by anyone, by decoding the base64-encoded signed message.
    echo $signedMessage, PHP_EOL;
    // Bob can now use Alice's public key to verify the signature and obtain the message part.
    // If the message has been tampered with, the signature will be invalid and the message will be rejected.
    $verifiedMessage = $crypt->verifySignedMessage($signedMessage, $aliceSigningKeypair['publicKey']);
    // This is a message signed by Alice.
    echo $verifiedMessage, PHP_EOL;

    $aliceSigningKeypair = $crypt->generateSigningKeypair();
    // Alice signs a message for Bob, using her private key.
    $message = "This is a message signed by Alice.";
    $signature = $crypt->getMessageSignature($message, $aliceSigningKeypair['privateKey']);
    // Alice can now transmit the message and signature separately to Bob.
    // Bob can now use Alice's public key to verify the signature.
    // If the message has been tampered with, the signature will be invalid and the message will be rejected.
    $messageAuthenticated = $crypt->verifyMessageSignature($message, $signature, $aliceSigningKeypair['publicKey']);
    if ($messageAuthenticated === true) {
        echo "The message has not been tampered with.", PHP_EOL;

    $message = "This is a message signed anonymously with a secret key.";
    // We can generate a secure, random 32 byte key, which is returned as a hexadecimal string.
    $secret = $crypt->generateSigningSecret();
    // Or, as long as the key is 32 bytes (256 bits), you can use any other string.
    $secret = hash("sha256", "my secret key");
    // Like with the symmetric encryption functions, you can pass an optional third parameter
    // to signWithSecret to specify that the secret key is NOT a hexadecimal string.
    $secret = hash("sha256", "my secret key", true);
    $signature = $crypt->signWithSecret($message, $secret, false);

    // Or omit this parameter if the secret is a hexadecimal string.
    $secret = $crypt->generateSigningSecret();
    $signature = $crypt->signWithSecret($message, $secret);
    // The message can now be either transmitted to someone else who also has the shared secret,
    // or later verified on the same system, e.g. after being retrieved from a database.
    $messageAuthenticated = $crypt->verifyWithSecret($signature, $message, $secret);
    if ($messageAuthenticated === true) {
        echo "The message has not been tampered with.", PHP_EOL;
    // Similarly, pass false as the third parameter if the secret is NOT a hexadecimal string.
    $secret = hash("sha256", "my secret key", true);
    $signature = $crypt->signWithSecret($message, $secret, false);
    $messageAuthenticated = $crypt->verifyWithSecret($signature, $message, $secret, false);
    if ($messageAuthenticated === true) {
        echo "The message has not been tampered with.", PHP_EOL;