PHP code example of dwgebler / doclite

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dwgebler/doclite library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dwgebler / doclite example snippets

use Gebler\Doclite\{FileDatabase, MemoryDatabase};

// To create or open an existing file database.
$db = new FileDatabase('/path/to/db');

// To open an existing file database in read-only mode.
$db = new FileDatabase('/path/to/existing/db', true);

// To create a new in-memory database.
$db = new MemoryDatabase();

$users = $db->collection("user"); 

// Create a new User in the collection
$user = $users->get();

// Get the automatically generated document ID
$id = $user->getId();

// Set properties by magic set* methods
$user->setPassword(password_hash("admin", \PASSWORD_DEFAULT));
$user->setCreated(new \DateTimeImmutable);

// Update the user in the collection

// Retrieve this user later on by ID
$user = $users->get($id);

// Or search for a user by any field
$user = $users->findOneBy(["username" => "dwgebler"]);

class CustomUser
    private $id;
    private $username;
    private $password;
    public function getId() {...}
    public function setId($id) {...}
    public function getUsername() {...}
    public function setUsername($username) {...}    

// Retrieve a previously created user and map the result on to a CustomUser object.
// You can also pass a null ID as the first parameter to create a new CustomUser.
$user = $users->get($id, CustomUser::class);

// $user is now an instance of CustomUser and can be saved through the Collection.

use Gebler\Doclite\FileDatabase;

// Open a new database
$db = new FileDatabase('./data/mydb.db');

// Open an existing database in read-only mode
$db = new FileDatabase('./data/mydb.db', true);

// Open a new database called data.db in existing directory /home/data
$db = new FileDatabase('/home/data');

// All options - path, read-only mode, full text search, connection timeout and logger
$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('mylogger');
$db = new FileDatabase('./data/mydb.db', false, true, 1, $logger);

// Or, in PHP 8, named parameters:
$db = new FileDatabase(path: './data/mydb.db', readOnly: true, ftsEnabled: true);

use Gebler\Doclite\Exception\IOException;
use Gebler\Doclite\Exception\DatabaseException;
use Gebler\Doclite\FileDatabase;

try {
  $db = new FileDatabase('/path/to/db');
} catch (IOException $e) {
} catch (DatabaseException $e) {

use Gebler\Doclite\Exception\DatabaseException;
try {
} catch (DatabaseException $e) {
    var_dump($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e->getQuery(), $e->getParams());

// Create a new, empty database
$db = new FileDatabase('/path/to/data.db');

// Import the contents of a directory where each file is a collection
$db->import('/path/to/collections', 'json', Database::IMPORT_COLLECTIONS);

// Import the contents of a directory where each sub directory is a collection 
// of files representing single documents.
$db->import('/path/to/collections', 'json', Database::IMPORT_DOCUMENTS);

// Export the entire database to one file per collection in the specified 
// output directory.
$db->export('/path/to/export', 'json', Database::EXPORT_COLLECTIONS);

// Export the entire database to a directory structure with one file per document.
$db->export('/path/to/export', 'json', Database::EXPORT_DOCUMENTS);

// Export only the "User" and "Person" collections.
// Assume Collection $persons = $db->get("Person");
    ['User', $persons]

// Return the version of DocLite as a SemVer string, e.g. 1.0.0

$userCollection = $db->collection("Users");

$newUser = $userCollection->get();

// works for DocLite Document objects

// works for both DocLite documents and documents mapped to custom types

$existingUser = $userCollection->get($id);

// Get a user as an object of type CustomUser.
$user = $userCollection->get($id, CustomUser::class);

$user = $userCollection->get($id, CustomUser::class, 'databaseId');


$userCollection->save($user, $user->getDatabaseId());

$userCollection->save($user, $user->getDatabaseId(), ['nonDatabaseField']);

// Works for DocLite Document objects.

// works for both DocLite documents and documents mapped to custom types

$user = $userCollection->findOneBy([
    'role' => 'admin',
    'name' => 'Mr Administrator',

$user = $userCollection->findOneBy(['username' => 'admin'], CustomUser::class, 'databaseId');

foreach($userCollection->findAllBy(['active' => true]) as $user) {

foreach($userCollection->findAll() as $user) {

$users = $db->collection("Users");

$activeUsers = $users->where('active', '=', true)->fetch();

$gmailUsers = $users->where('email', 'ENDS', '')->fetch();

$registeredAndNotActiveUsers = $users->where('registered', '=', true)
                                     ->and('active', '=', false)

$usersInPostalArea = $users->where('address.postcode', 'STARTS', 'TE1')->fetch();

$usersWith123InPhone = $users->where('telephone', 'CONTAINS', '123')->fetch();

$usersWithNoNumbersInUsername = $users->where('username', 'MATCHES', '^[A-Za-z]*$')
$usersWithEditorRole = $users->where('roles[]', '=', 'EDITOR')->fetch();

$usersWithEditorOrAdminRole = $users->where('roles[]', '=', 'ADMIN')
                                    ->or('roles[]', '=', 'EDITOR')
$usersWithEditorAndAdminRole = $users->where('roles', '=', ['ADMIN', 'EDITOR']);                                    
$usersWhoHaveAtLeastOneRoleWhichIsNotAdmin = $users->where('roles[]', '!=', 'ADMIN')->fetch();

 * This next one is trickier. "roles" is a list of values in our document.
 * As we can see above, roles[] != ADMIN would return all users who
 * have at least one role in their list which is not ADMIN.
 * But this means if a user has roles ["USER","ADMIN"], they would
 * be matched.
 * So for users who do NOT have the ADMIN role at all, we can
 * quote the value "ADMIN" and ask for matches where the entire list of roles
 * (so no square brackets) does not contain this value.
$usersDoNotHaveAdminRole = $users->where('roles', 'NOT CONTAINS', '"ADMIN"')->fetch();

$deleteAllUsersWithEditorRole = $users->where('roles[]', '=', 'EDITOR')->delete();

$first10UsersOrderedByFirstName = $users->orderBy('first_name', 'ASC')

$next10UsersOrderedByFirstName = $users->orderBy('first_name', 'ASC')

// Use [] on any field which is a list to search within its sub-items
$usersWithPostAccessToPagesApi = $users->where(
    'api_access./v1/pages/[]', '=', 'POST')->fetch();                                     

$allUsersWithPostAccessToAnyApi = $users->where('api_access[]', '=', 'POST')

$start = new DateTimeImmutable('2021-03-01 00:00:00');
$end = new DateTime('2021-06-30');
$usersWhoSignedUpBetweenMarchAndJune = $users->where('date', 'BETWEEN', $start, $end)->fetchArray();                                     

 * Nested queries are also possible.
 * To get all users where 
 * (active=true and address.postcode matches '^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$')
 * OR
 * (roles[] list contains "EDITOR" and lastLogin > 2021-01-30)
$nestedUsers = $users->where('active', '=', true)
                     ->and('address.postcode', 'MATCHES', '^[A-Za-z0-9 ]*$')
                     ->where('roles[]', '=', 'EDITOR')
                     ->and('lastLogin', '>', '2021-01-30')

 * Imagine a user document like:
 * {"__id":"1", "name":"John Smith"}
 * and a corresponding comments document like:
 * {"__id":"5", "user_id": "1", "comment":"Hello world!"} 
 * You can query the users collection with a join to retrieve an aggregated document like this:
 * {"__id":"1","name":"John Smith","comments":[{"__id":"5","comment":"Hello world!"}]}
$users = $db->collection('Users');
$comments = $db->collection("Comments");
$users->where('__id', '=', '1')->join($comments, 'user_id', '__id')->fetchArray();


// Set the cache validity period to 1 hour.





$userCollection->addIndex('first_name', 'last_name');



$collection = $db->collection("Users");

// some stuff, insert a bunch of records or whatever...

// commit the results and end the transaction

// or rollback the changes and end the transaction

$path = '/path/to/db';
$readOnly = false;
$ftsEnabled = true;
$timeout = 1;
$db = new FileDatabase($path, $readOnly, $ftsEnabled, $timeout);
$blogPosts = $db->collection("posts");
$results = $blogPosts->search('apache', ['title', 'summary', 'content']);

$users = $db->collection("Users");
// Create a new Document with an auto generated UUID.
$user = $db->get();
// Create a new property called username via a magic setter.
// Create a new property called password via a magic property.
$user->password = password_hash("admin", \PASSWORD_DEFAULT);
// Read the username property via a magic property.
echo $user->username;
// Read the password property via a magic getter.
echo $user->getPassword();
// Properties can contain scalar values, arrays, or even other Documents and
// custom objects.
$user->setRoles(['user', 'admin']);

// setter uses camel case

// but the corresponding property created will be lower cased and snake_cased
echo $user->first_name;

// if you want a key in a document to be case sensitive, set it as a property only
$user->FirstName = 'Dave';

// you should now use the property access to retrieve its value later on
echo $user->FirstName;

// This will not work and will raise a ValueError on getFooBar(),
// because the method call will look for a property called foo_bar
$user->FooBar = 'baz';

// This is the same as:
// $address = $user->getAddress();
// $postcode = $address['postcode'];

// Assume "roles" is a list, this will return an array

// Retrieve the first role

// Assume api_access is a dictionary of keys mapped to lists.
// This will return the list of data under the /v1/users/ key
// as an array.
$access = $user->getValue('api_access./v1/users/');
if (!in_array('POST', $access)) { ... }

// If address does not exist, it will be created with postcode as a key.
$user->setValue('address.postcode', 'TE1 3ST');

// Or set a value with special characters in the name:
$user->setValue('api_access./v1/users/', ['GET', 'POST']);

class Person
    private $id;

    private $firstName;

    private $lastName;

    private $address = [];

    private $postcode;

    private $dateOfBirth;

    private $identityVerified;

    public function getId(): ?int
        return $this->id;
    public function setId(string $id): self
        $this->id = $id;
        return $this;

    public function getFirstName(): ?string
        return $this->firstName;

    public function setFirstName(string $firstName): self
        $this->firstName = $firstName;
        return $this;

    public function getLastName(): ?string
        return $this->lastName;

    public function setLastName(string $lastName): self
        $this->lastName = $lastName;
        return $this;

    public function getAddress(): ?array
        return $this->address;

    public function setAddress(array $address): self
        $this->address = $address;
        return $this;

    public function getPostcode(): ?string
        return $this->postcode;

    public function setPostcode(string $postcode): self
        $this->postcode = $postcode;
        return $this;

    public function getDateOfBirth(): ?\DateTimeImmutable
        return $this->dateOfBirth;

    public function setDateOfBirth(\DateTimeImmutable $dateOfBirth): self
        $this->dateOfBirth = $dateOfBirth;
        return $this;

    public function getIdentityVerified(): ?bool
        return $this->identityVerified;

    public function setIdentityVerified(bool $identityVerified): self
        $this->identityVerified = $identityVerified;
        return $this;

$user = $collection->get("b83e319a-7887-11eb-8deb-b9e03d2e720d");
$user->map('person', Person::class);

// $user->getPerson() now returns a Person object.

// Or you can map to an existing Person object.
$person = new Person();
$user->map('person', $person);

$users = $db->collection("Users");
// Create a new Document with an auto generated UUID.
$user = $users->get();
// $date is a \DateTimeImmutable
$date = $user->getTime();
echo $date->format('d m Y H:i');

$users = $db->collection("Users");
// Create a new Document with a custom ID.
// If this ID already exists in the Users collection, that document will be returned.
$user = $users->get("user_3815");

$users = $db->collection("Users");
$user = $users->get();

$users = $db->collection("Users");
// Create a new document with an automatically generated UUID and
// retrieved as an object of type CustomUser.
$user = $users->get(null, CustomUser::class);

$users = $db->collection("Users");
$user = $users->get("12345");

$users = $db->collection("Users");
// Create a new document with an automatically generated UUID and
// retrieved as an object of type CustomUser.
$user = $users->get("12345", CustomUser::class);


try {
    // This will automatically call validateJsonSchema() anyway.
    // As will this.
} catch (DatabaseException $e) {
    $params = $e->getParams();
    $error = $params['error'];
    echo "Document failed to validate against JSON Schema because:\n".$error;
