PHP code example of duxphp / duxsend

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download duxphp/duxsend library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


duxphp / duxsend example snippets

    // 阿里邮件
    $driver = \dux\send\AliMail::class;
    $config = [
        'api_id' => '',   //接口账号
        'apy_key' => '',  //接口秘钥
        'mail' => '',     //发件邮箱

    // 阿里云短信
    $driver = \dux\send\AliSms::class;
    $config = [
        'api_id' => '',   //AccessKey ID
        'apy_key' => '',  //Access Key Secret
        'sign' => '',     //短信签名

    // SMTP邮件
    $driver = \dux\send\Email::class;
    $config = [
        'host' => '',       //SMTP地址
        'username' => '',   //邮箱账号
        'password' => '',   //邮箱密码
        'port' => '',       //SMTP端口
        'mail' => '',       //发件邮箱

    // 极光推送
    $driver = \dux\send\Jpush::class;
    $config = [
        'app_key' => '',          //接口密钥
        'master_kecret' => '',

    // 小米推送
    $driver = \dux\send\Xiaomi::class;
    $config = [
        'ios_key' => '',         //IOS密钥
        'android_key' => '',     //安卓密钥
        'android_name' => '',    //安卓包名

    // 云片短信
    $driver = \dux\send\Yunpian::class;
    $config = [
        'api_key' => '',         //接口密钥

     * @param $receive          //接收账号、号码或推送别名
     * @param string $title     //发信标题,邮件有效,短信、推送等无效
     * @param string $content   //发信内容,邮件可为 Html,其他为字符串
     * @param array $params     //附件参数,模板短信传递 "tpl" 键名为模板 ID,其他参数为模板值
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \Exception
    $send->send($receive, string $title, string $content, array $params = []);