PHP code example of dusanbre / laravel-tolgee

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dusanbre/laravel-tolgee library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dusanbre / laravel-tolgee example snippets

return [
     * Specify the path to your language files
     * Default is 'lang' it can be set to 'resources/lang'
    'lang_path' => env('TOLGEE_LANG_PATH', 'lang'),

     * Specify a language files subfolder, in order to filter specific language files.Please be aware that this applies to subfolders within your base local folders.
     * So if you have folder structure like `lang/en/messages/...`, you can set this env variable to `messages` and package will use only files from messages folder.
    'lang_subfolder' => env('TOLGEE_LANG_SUBFOLDER'),

     * Host to you Tolgee service instance
     * Please note that if you are using Sail for local development, service need to be in the same docker network
     * and you will need to set host in the format of 'http://{docker_tolgee_service_name}:{docker_tolgee_service_port}'
    'host' => env('TOLGEE_HOST', ''),

     * Project ID of your Tolgee service.
    'project_id' => env('TOLGEE_PROJECT_ID'),

     * Valid api key from Tolgee service for the given project.
     * Api key needs to have all permissions to manage project.
    'api_key' => env('TOLGEE_API_KEY'),

     * Base locale of the project.
     * Please note that the locale you set here should match the base language in your project.
    'locale' => env('TOLGEE_LOCALE', 'en'),

     * Override base locale translations files.
    'override' => env('TOLGEE_OVERRIDE', false),

     * Accepted translation states. Check Tolgee documentation for available states.
    'accepted_states' => explode(",", env('TOLGEE_ACCEPTED_STATES', 'REVIEWED')),

php artisan tolgee:keys:sync --with-vendors

php artisan tolgee:keys:flush

php artisan tolgee:translations:sync
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-tolgee-config"