PHP code example of dunglas / solid-client-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dunglas/solid-client-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dunglas / solid-client-php example snippets

use Dunglas\PhpSolidClient\SolidClientFactory;
use Dunglas\PhpSolidClient\OidcClient;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\HttpClient;

$solidClientFactory = new SolidClientFactory(HttpClient::create());

// Create an anonymous Solid client
$anonymousSolidClient = $solidClientFactory->create();

// Fetch the WebID profile of a user
$profile = $anonymousSolidClient->getProfile('');
// Fetch the OIDC issuer for a user
$oidcIssuer = $anonymousSolidClient->getOidcIssuer('');

// Create a Solid OIDC client for this user
$oidcClient = new OidcClient($oidcIssuer);
// Register the OIDC client dynamically
// Authenticate the user
// At this point you may want to save $oidcClient in the session
// The user will be redirected to the OIDC server to log in

// Create a Solid client generating DPoP access tokens for the logged-in user
$loggedSolidClient = $solidClientFactory->create($oidcClient);

// Create a new container
$containerResponse = $loggedSolidClient->createContainer('', 'blog');
$container = $containerResponse->getContent();

// Post a new note
$apiPlatformResponse = $loggedSolidClient->post('', 'api-platform-conference', <<<TTL
@prefix as: <>.

<> a as:Note; as:content "Going to API Platform Conference".
$apiPlatformCon = $apiPlatformResponse->getContent();

// Fetch an existing note
$symfonyLiveResponse = $loggedSolidClient->get('');
$symfonyLive = $symfonyLiveResponse->getContent();

// Logout
