PHP code example of drlecks / simple-web3-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download drlecks/simple-web3-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


drlecks / simple-web3-php example snippets

use SWeb3\SWeb3;
//initialize SWeb3 main object
$sweb3 = new SWeb3('http://ethereum.node.provider:optional.node.port');

//optional if not sending transactions
$from_address = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
$from_address_private_key = '345346245645435....';
$sweb3->setPersonalData($from_address, $from_address_private_key);
use SWeb3\Utils;
$res = $sweb3->call('eth_blockNumber', []);
$bigNum = Utils::hexToBn($res->result);
$bigNum = Utils::ToBn(123);
$s_number = $bigNum->toString();
Utils::toWei('0.001', 'ether');
$s_val = Utils::fromWeiToString('1001', 'kwei'); // "1.001"

$s_val = Utils::toWeiString('1.001', 'kwei'); // "1001"
$abiEncoded = ABI::EncodeParameters_External(['address', 'uint256'], [$userAddress, 1]);
$hash = Utils::sha3($abiEncoded);
$res = $sweb3->call('eth_blockNumber', []);
$gasPrice = $sweb3->getGasPrice();
$sweb3->chainId = '0x3';//ropsten 
$sendParams = [ 
    'from' =>	$sweb3->personal->address,  
    'to' =>     '0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111', 
    'value' => 	Utils::toWei('0.001', 'ether'),
    'nonce' => 	$sweb3->personal->getNonce()  
$gasEstimateResult = $sweb3->call('eth_estimateGas', [$sendParams]);

//remember to set personal data first with a valid pair of address & private key
$sendParams = [ 
    'from' =>   	$sweb3->personal->address,  
    'to' =>     	'0x1111111111111111111111111111111111111111', 
    'gasLimit' => 	210000,
    'value' => 		Utils::toWei('0.001', 'ether'),
    'nonce' => 		$sweb3->personal->getNonce()
$result = $sweb3->send($sendParams); 
//enable batching

$sweb3->call('eth_blockNumber', []); 
$sweb3->call('eth_getBalance', [$sweb3->personal->address], 'latest');

//execute all batched calls in one request
$res = $sweb3->executeBatch();

//batching has to be manually disabled
use SWeb3\Accounts; 
use SWeb3\Account;

//create new account privateKey/address (returns Account)
$account = Accounts::create();

//retrieve account (address) from private key 
$account2 = Accounts::privateKeyToAccount('...private_key...');

//sign message with account
$res = $account2->sign('Some data'); 

use SWeb3\SWeb3_Contract;

$contract = new SWeb3_contract($sweb3, '0x2222222222222222222222222222222222222222', '[ABI...]'); //'0x2222...' is contract address
// call contract function
$res = $contract->call('autoinc_tuple_a');

// change function state
//remember to set the sign values and chain id first: $sweb3->setPersonalData() & $sweb3->chainId
$extra_data = ['nonce' => $sweb3->personal->getNonce()]; 
$result = $contract->send('Set_public_uint', 123,  $extra_data);

//optional parameters fromBlock, toBlock, topics
//default values -> '0x0', 'latest', null (all events/logs from this contract) 
$res = $contract->getLogs();

use SWeb3\SWeb3_Contract;
$creation_abi = '[abi...]';
$contract = new SWeb3_contract($sweb3, '', $creation_abi);

//set contract bytecode data
$contract_bytecode = '123456789....';

//remember to set the sign values and chain id first: $sweb3->setPersonalData() & $sweb3->chainId
$extra_params = ['nonce' => $sweb3->personal->getNonce()];  
$result = $contract->deployContract( [123123],  $extra_params); 
use SWeb3\SWeb3;                            	//always needed, to create the Web3 object
use SWeb3\Utils;                            	//sweb3 helper classes (for example, hex conversion operations)
use SWeb3\SWeb3_Contract;                  	 	//contract creation and interaction
use SWeb3\Accounts;                   			//account creation
use SWeb3\Account;                   			//single account management (signing)
use phpseclib3\Math\BigInteger as BigNumber; 	//BigInt handling
use stdClass;                               	//for object interaction 

define('ETHEREUM_NET_NAME', 'ropsten'); //ropsten , mainnet


//swp_contract.sol is available on ropsten test net, address: 0x706986eEe8da42d9d85997b343834B38e34dc000
$SWP_Contract_ABI = '[...]';
define('SWP_Contract_ABI', $SWP_Contract_ABI);



"drlecks/simple-web3-php": "^0.10.0"

"drlecks/simple-web3-php": "dev-master"