PHP code example of drewlabs / laravel-query

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download drewlabs/laravel-query library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


drewlabs / laravel-query example snippets

// bootstrap/app.php
// ...
// ...

// ...
use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\DMLManager;

// Example class
use App\Models\Example;

// Create a query manager for querying database using Example model
$ql = DMLManager(Example::class);

// Insert single values to the database
$example = DMLManager(Example::class)->create([/* ... */]);

$person = DMLManager(Example::class)->create([
        /* ... */
        'addresses' => [ [/* ... */] ],
        'profile' => [/* ... */]
        // Here we tells the query provider to use `profile`, `addresses` keys of `inputs` as relation
        // methods of the model class
        'relations' => ['addresses', 'profile']

// Insert single values to the database
$example = DMLManager(Example::class)->create([/* ... */], function($value) {
    // Do something with the created value

$person = DMLManager(Example::class)->update(1, ['firstname' => '...']);

// Update by ID String
$person = DMLManager(Example::class)->update("1", ['firstname' => '...']);

// Update using query without mass update
$count = DMLManager(Example::class)->update(['and' => ['name', '...']], ['firstname' => '...']);

$result = DMLManager(Example::class)->delete(1);

$result = DMLManager(Example::class)->delete(['and' => ['...', '...']], true);

$person = DMLManager(Person::class)->select("1", ['*'], function ($model) {
    return $model->toArray();

// Select by ID
$person = DMLManager(Person::class)->select(1);

$list = DMLManager(Person::class)->select([/* ... */],['firstname', 'addresses']);

// Select using query filters
$list = DMLManager(Person::class)->select([/* ... */], 15, ['addresses', 'profile'], 1);

use Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\CreateQueryFilters;

/// Note: Each key is an eloquent model/Eloquent query builder method
/// Parameters are passed in the order and the same way they are passed to the model method, but are specified as array
$filter = CreateQueryFilters([
    // Creatigng a where query
    'where' => [
        ['label', '<LabelValue>'],
        ['slug', 'like', '<SlugValue>']
    'orWhere' => ['id' , '<>', '<IDValue>'],
    'whereHas' => ['relation_name', function($query){
        // ... Provide the subquery
    // Multiple subqueries at once
    'whereDoesntHave' => [
        ['relation1', function($query){
        // ... Provide the subquery
        ['relation1', function($query){
        // ... Provide the subquery
    // Query date field
    'whereDate' => [$date],

    // Query relation presence
    'has' => 'hasRelation',

    // Query presence of multiple relations
    'has' => ['relation1', 'relation2'],

    // Where in query
    'whereIn' => ['column', [...]],

    // Multiple WherNotIn query

    'whereNotIn' => [
        ['colum1', [...]],
        ['colum2', [...]]

    // Join query
    'join' => [
        ['model' => UploadedFile::class, 'column' => 'folder_id'],
        ['model' => Folder::class, 'column' => 'id']
    // Normal laravel join
    'join' => ['table1', '', '=', 'table1.user_id']

// Calling the query filter on laravel database builder instance
$result = $filter->call(TestModel::query())->get($columns = ['*']);

// imports
// ...

// Create the request
$request = new \Illuminate\Http\Request([
    '_query' => [
        'where' => ['label', '<>', 'Hello World!'],
        'orWhere' => [
                'match' => [
                    'method' => 'whereIn',
                    'params' => ['url', [/* ... */]]
                'id', 340
        'whereNull' => [
            'column' => 'basepath'
        'whereIn' => [
                "column" => 'basepath',
                "match" => ['/home/usr/workspace', '/local/usr/Cellar/etc/workspace']
                ['/home/usr/workspace', '/local/usr/Cellar/etc/workspace']
    'label' => 'Are you there ?',
    'id' => 320

// Create query filters from framework request object
$result = \Drewlabs\Query\PreparesFiltersBag::new($request)->build(new TestModel);

$methods = [
    // Added where between query
    // Supporting joins queries
    // Supporting whereNull and whereNotNull queries

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\useActionQueryCommand;
use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\DMLManager;
use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\SelectQueryAction;
use function Drewlabs\Support\Proxy\Action;

$command = useActionQueryCommand(Test::class);

// Calling command with an action using `call` method
$result = $command->call(SelectQueryAction($id));

// Calling the command using a callable interface
$result = $command(Action('SELECT' , $id));

// Creating and calling the the command API

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\SelectQueryAction;

// ...

// Example
$action = SelectQueryAction($id) // Creates a select by id query

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\SelectQueryAction;


// Example
$action = SelectQueryAction([ 'where' => ['id', 12] ]);

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\CreateQueryFilters;
use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\SelectQueryAction;

// ...
// Example
$action = SelectQueryAction(CreateQueryFilters(...));

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\UpdateQueryAction;

// ...

// Example
$action = UpdateQueryAction($id, ['name' => 'John Doe'])

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\UpdateQueryAction;

// ...

// Example
$action = UpdateQueryAction(CreateQueryFilters(...), ['name' => 'John Doe'])

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\UpdateQueryAction;
use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\CreateQueryFilters;

// ...

// Example
$action = UpdateQueryAction(['where' => ['id' => 3]], ['name' => 'John Doe'])

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\DeleteQueryAction;

// ...

// Example
$action = DeleteQueryAction($id)

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\DeleteQueryAction;

// ...

// Example
$action = DeleteQueryAction(['where' => ['id' => 3]])

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\DeleteQueryAction;
use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\CreateQueryFilters;

// ...

// Example
$action = DeleteQueryAction(CreateQueryFilters(...))

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\CreateQueryAction;

// ...

// Example
$action = CreateQueryAction([...])

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\CreateQueryAction;

// ...

// Example
$object = new stdClass;
$object->name = 'John Doe';
$object->notes = 67;

$action = CreateQueryAction($object);

use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\useActionQueryCommand;
use function Drewlabs\Laravel\Query\Proxy\DMLManager;
use use Drewlabs\Contracts\Support\Actions\Action;

$command = useActionQueryCommand(TestModel::class, function(Action $action, ?\Closure $callback = null) {
     // Provides custom action handlers