PHP code example of drd / dice-rolls

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download drd/dice-rolls library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


drd / dice-rolls example snippets

use Granam\DiceRolls\Templates\Rollers\Roller1d6;
use Granam\DiceRolls\Templates\Rollers\Roller2d6DrdPlus;

$roller1d6 = new Roller1d6();
$rolledValue = $roller1d6->roll();
if ($rolledValue === 6) {
    echo 'Hurray! You win!';
} else {
    echo 'Try harder';

$roller2d6Granam = new Roller2d6DrdPlus();
while (($roll = $roller2d6Granam->roll()) && $roll->getValue() <= 12) {
    echo 'Still no bonus :( ...';
echo 'There it is! Bonus roll comes, with final value of '
. $roll->getValue() . '
Rolls were quite dramatic, consider by yourself: ';
foreach ($roll->getDiceRolls() as $diceRoll) {
    echo 'Rolled number ' . $diceRoll->getRolledNumber() . ', evaluated as value ' . $diceRoll->getValue(); 

use Granam\DiceRolls\Templates\Dices\CustomDice;
use Granam\Integer\IntegerObject;
use Granam\DiceRolls\Templates\Dices\Dices;
use Granam\DiceRolls\Roller;
use Granam\DiceRolls\Templates\Evaluators\OneToOneEvaluator;
use Granam\DiceRolls\Templates\RollOn\NoRollOn;

$dice1d5 = new CustomDice(new IntegerObject(1) /* minimum of the dice */, new IntegerObject(5) /* maximum of the dice */);
$dice1d74 = new CustomDice(new IntegerObject(1) /* minimum of the dice */, new IntegerObject(74) /* maximum of the dice */);
$diceCombo = new Dices([$dice1d5, $dice1d74, $dice1d74, $dice1d74]);

$roller = new Roller(
    new IntegerObject(1) /* roll with them all just once */,
    new OneToOneEvaluator() /* "what you roll is what you get" */,
    new NoRollOn() /* no bonus roll at all */,
    new NoRollOn() /* no malus roll at all */

// here it is!