PHP code example of dql / valueobjects

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dql/valueobjects library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dql / valueobjects example snippets

use EventSourced\ValueObject\ValueObject;

class Integer extends ValueObject\AbstractSingleValue 
    protected function validator()
        return parent::validator()->intVal();

$integer = new Integer(1);
echo $integer->value();

use EventSourced\ValueObject\ValueObject\Type\AbstractSingleValue;

class Coordinate extends AbstractSingleValue 
    protected function validator()
        return parent::validator()->floatVal()->between(-90, 90);

use EventSourced\ValueObject\ValueObject\Type\AbstractComposite;

class GPSCoordinates extends AbstractComposite 
    protected $latitude;
    protected $longitude;
    public function __construct(Coordinate $latitude, Coordinate $longitude) 
        $this->latitude = $latitude;
        $this->longitude = $longitude;
    public function latitude()
        return $this->latitude;
    public function longitude()
        return $this->longitude;

 namespace EventSourced\ValueObject\ValueObject;

class NullableGPSCoordinates extends GPSCoordinates
    public function __construct(Coordinate $latitude=null, Coordinate $longitude=null)
        $this->latitude = $latitude;
        $this->longitude = $longitude;

use EventSourced\ValueObject\ValueObject\Type\AbstractCollection;

class IntegerCollection extends AbstractCollection 
    public function collection_of()
        return Integer::class;

$collection = new IntegerCollection([new Integer(1)]);
$collection = $collection->add(new Integer(2)); 
$collection->count(); //2
$collection->exists(new Integer(2)); //true
$collection->get(0)->value(); //1
$collection = $collection->remove(new Integer(2));
$collection->exists(new Integer(2)); //false

use EventSourced\ValueObject\ValueObject\Type\AbstractEntity;

class SampleEntity extends AbstractEntity
    public $date;
    //Uuid and Date are base types that comes with the library
    public function __construct(Uuid $id, Date $date) 
        $this->date = $date;

$entity = new SampleEntity(new Uuid("153111a5-2d77-48b7-a88d-ee1d626c1d5d"), new Date('2013-10-12');

//Accessing the id property, part of the base class
echo $entity->id()->value();

use EventSourced\ValueObject\ValueObject\Type\AbstractIndex;

class SampleEntityIndex extends Type\AbstractIndex
    public function collection_of()
        return SampleEntity::class;

$index = new SampleEntityIndex([]);
$id = new Uuid("153111a5-2d77-48b7-a88d-ee1d626c1d5d");
$index = $index->add(new SampleEntity($id, new Date('2013-10-12'))); 
$index->count(); //1
$index->exists($id); //true
$index->get($id)->date()->value(); //'2013-10-12'
$index = $index->replace(new SampleEntity($id, new Date('2014-10-12'));
$index->get($id)->date()->value(); //'2014-10-12'
$index = $index->remove($id);
$index->exists($id); //false

$float_a = new Float(0.121);
$float_b = new Float(0.121);
$float_a->equals($float_b); //true

use EventSourced\ValueObject\Serializer\Serializer;

$float = new Float(0.121);
$serializer = new Serializer();
$serialized = $serializer->serialize($float);

use EventSourced\ValueObject\Serializer\Serializer;
use EventSourced\ValueObject\Deserializer\Deserializer;

$float = new Float(0.121);
$serializer = new Serializer();
$serialized = $serializer->serialize($float);

$deserializer = new Deserializer();
$float_again = $deserializer->deserialize(Float:class, $serialized);

try {
    new ValueObject\Coordinate(90.00001);
} catch (Assert\IsException $ex) {

class Currency implements Serializer, Deserializer
    public function deserialize($class, $parameters)
        try {
            return new \Money\Currency($parameters);
        } catch (\Exception $e) {
            throw new Exception($e->getMessage());

    public function serialize($serializable)
         * @var \Money\Currency $serializable
        return $serializable->getCode();

return [
    \Money\Currency::class =>

class PhoneBook 
    public function addPhoneNumber(PhoneNumber $number, Name $name, Address $address)

$phone_book = new PhoneBook();

$payload = [
    'number' => "085343534545",
    'name' => "Tim Beedle",
    'address' => [
        '83 Lambsgate',
        'Herbert Road',

$deserializer = new Deserializer();

$method = $deserializer->deserializeMethod($phone_book, "addPhoneNumber", $payload);
$result = $method->run();