PHP code example of donatorsky / php-xml-template-reader

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download donatorsky/php-xml-template-reader library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


donatorsky / php-xml-template-reader example snippets

Node {
    private $nodeName = 'books';
    private $children = Map [
        // Because of tpl:type="collection", book element is expected to occur more than 1 times
        'book' => Collection [
            0 => Node {
                    private $nodeName = 'book';
                    private $attributes = Map [
                        // You can define set of parsing rules in the template. In this case:
                        //  1 time
                    private $relations = Map [
                        'title' => Node {
                                        private $nodeName = 'title';
                                        private $contents = 'Lorem ipsum adventures';
            1 => ...

$xmlTemplateReader = new \Donatorsky\XmlTemplate\Reader\XmlTemplateReader(<<<'XML'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" 

$node = $xmlTemplateReader->read(<<<'XML'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" 

$node = $xmlTemplateReader->readFile('/path/to/file.xml');

$handler = fopen('/path/to/file.xml', 'rb+');

$node = $xmlTemplateReader->readStream($handler);

$handler = fopen('/path/to/file.xml', 'rb+');


while (!\feof($handler)) {
    $this->update(\fread($handler, 1024));

$node = $xmlTemplateReader->close();

namespace Some\Name\Space;

class BooksNode implements \Donatorsky\XmlTemplate\Reader\Models\Contracts\NodeInterface {
    // ...

// You can also extend \Donatorsky\XmlTemplate\Reader\Models\Node class
class SingleBookNode extends \Donatorsky\XmlTemplate\Reader\Models\Node {
    // ...
    public function getIsbn(): int {
        return $this->attributes->get('ISBN');
    public function getCategory(): int {
        return $this->attributes->get('category');

$booksNode = Some\Name\Space\BooksNode {
    private $nodeName = 'books';
    private $children = \Donatorsky\XmlTemplate\Reader\Models\Map [
        // Because of tpl:type="collection", book element is expected to occur more than 1 times
        'book' => \Donatorsky\XmlTemplate\Reader\Models\Collection [
            0 => Some\Name\Space\SingleBookNode {
                    private $nodeName = 'book';
                    private $attributes = \Donatorsky\XmlTemplate\Reader\Models\Map [
                        // You can define set of parsing rules in the template. In this case:
                        //                                        private $nodeName = 'title';
                                        private $contents = 'Lorem ipsum adventures';
            1 => ...

// ...

 * @var \Some\Name\Space\SingleBookNode $book
foreach ($booksNode->getChildren('book') as $book){
    var_dump($book->getIsbn(), $book->getCategory());

Node {
    private $nodeName = 'books';
    private $attributes = Map [
        'ISBN'     => '1234567890',
        'category' => 'adventures',

Node {
    private $nodeName = 'books';
    private $attributes = \Donatorsky\XmlTemplate\Reader\Models\Map [
        'ISBN' => '1234567890',
        // 'category' is missing as it is not "validated"

Node {
    private $nodeName = 'books';
    private $relations = Map [
        'title' => Node {
                        private $nodeName = 'title';
                        private $contents = '...';
        'description' => Node {
                        private $nodeName = 'title';
                        private $contents = '...
        'authors' => Node {
                        private $nodeName = 'title';
                        private $contents = null;

Node {
    private $nodeName = 'books';
    private $relations = Map [
        'title' => Node {
                        private $nodeName = 'title';
    private $children = Map [
        'author' => Collection [
            0 => Node {
                    private $nodeName = 'author';
            1 => Node {
                    private $nodeName = 'author';
            2 => Node {
                    private $nodeName = 'author';

namespace Some\Name\Space;

class RegexpRule implements \Donatorsky\XmlTemplate\Reader\Rules\Contracts\RuleInterface {

    private string $pattern;
    public function __construct(string $pattern) {
        $this->pattern = $pattern;

    public function passes($value) : bool {
        // Validate $value against pattern
        return (bool) preg_match($this->pattern, $value);
    public function process($value) {
        // Do not modify value
        return $value;

    'regexp', // name
    \Some\Name\Space\RegexpRule::class, // Rule class' FQN
    ] // optionalAliases



        // ...

