PHP code example of dominus77 / yii2-owl-carousel-2

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dominus77/yii2-owl-carousel-2 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dominus77 / yii2-owl-carousel-2 example snippets

<?= \dominus77\owlcarousel2\Carousel::widget([
    'items' => $this->render('@dominus77/owlcarousel2/example/_items'), // example
    //'theme' => \dominus77\owlcarousel2\Carousel::THEME_GREEN, // THEME_DEFAULT, THEME_GREEN
    //'tag' => 'div', // container tag name, default div
    //'containerOptions' => [/* ... */], // container html options
    'clientOptions' => [
        'loop' => true,
        'margin' => 10,
        'nav' => true,
        'responsive' => [
            0 => [
                'items' => 1,
            600 => [
                'items' => 3,
            1000 => [
                'items' => 5,

php composer.phar 

    //'theme' => \dominus77\owlcarousel2\Carousel::THEME_GREEN, // THEME_DEFAULT, THEME_GREEN
    //'tag' => 'div', // container tag name, default div
    //'containerOptions' => [/* ... */], // container html options
    'clientOptions' => [
        'loop' => true,
        'margin' => 10,
        'nav' => true,
        'responsive' => [
            0 => [
                'items' => 1,
            600 => [
                'items' => 3,
            1000 => [
                'items' => 5,

<?= \dominus77\owlcarousel2\Carousel::widget([
    'items' => $this->render('@dominus77/owlcarousel2/example/_items'), // example
    'clientOptions' => [
        'loop' => true,
        'margin' => 10,
        'responsiveClass' => true,
        'responsive' => [
            0 => [
                'items' => 1,
                'nav' => true,
            600 => [
                'items' => 3,
                'nav' => false,
            1000 => [
                'items' => 5,
                'nav' => true,
                'loop' => false,

<?= \dominus77\owlcarousel2\Carousel::widget([
    'items' => $this->render('@dominus77/owlcarousel2/example/_items'), // example
    'clientOptions' => [
        'animateOut' => 'slideOutDown',
        'animateIn' => 'flipInX',
        'items' => 1,
        'margin' => 30,
        'stagePadding' => 30,
        'smartSpeed' => 450,

<?= \dominus77\owlcarousel2\Carousel::widget([
    'items' => $this->render('@dominus77/owlcarousel2/example/_items'), // example
    'clientOptions' => [
        'items' => 4,
        'loop' => true,
        'margin' => 10,
        'autoplay' => true,
        'autoplayTimeout' => 1000,
        'autoplayHoverPause' => true,
    'clientScript' => new \yii\web\JsExpression("