PHP code example of dmcbrn / laravel-email-database-log

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dmcbrn/laravel-email-database-log library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dmcbrn / laravel-email-database-log example snippets

'providers' => [
    // ...

//name of the disk where the attachments will be saved
'disk' => env('EMAIL_LOG_DISK','email_log_attachments'),

//to prevent access to list of logged emails through WEB routes add a middlewares
//multiple middlewares can be used (separate by comma)
'access_middleware' => env('EMAIL_LOG_ACCESS_MIDDLEWARE',null),

//to prevent access to list of logged emails through API routes add a middlewares
//multiple middlewares can be used (separate by comma)
'access_middleware_api' => env('EMAIL_LOG_ACCESS_MIDDLEWARE_API',null),

//this parameter prefixes the routes for listing of logged emails using WEB routes
'routes_prefix' => env('EMAIL_LOG_ROUTES_PREFIX',''),

//this parameter prefixes the routes for listing of logged emails using API routes
'routes_prefix_api' => env('EMAIL_LOG_ROUTES_PREFIX_API',''),

//custom route prefix for webhooks
'routes_webhook_prefix' => env('EMAIL_LOG_ROUTES_WEBHOOK_PREFIX', env('EMAIL_LOG_ROUTES_PREFIX','')),

//mailgun secret and whether to ommit events for emails which were not found
'mailgun' => [
    'secret' => env('MAILGUN_SECRET', null),
    'filter_unknown_emails' => env('EMAIL_LOG_MAILGUN_FILTER_UNKNOWN_EMAILS', true),
php artisan migrate
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dmcbrn\LaravelEmailDatabaseLog\LaravelEmailDatabaseLogServiceProvider"

$log = Dmcbrn\LaravelEmailDatabaseLog\EmailLog::where('attachments','!=', null)
$log->chunk(100, function($chunk) { foreach($chunk as $l) { $l->attachments = str_replace('email_log_attachments/', '', $l->attachments); $l->save(); } })