PHP code example of djmattyg007 / handlebars

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download djmattyg007/handlebars library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


djmattyg007 / handlebars example snippets

use MattyG\Handlebars\Runtime;
$runtime = new Runtime();
// Pass false to the constructor to have it not load the default Helpers
$helperlessRuntime = new Runtime(false);

use MattyG\Handlebars\Argument\ArgumentListFactory;
use MattyG\Handlebars\Argument\ArgumentParserFactory;
$argumentParserFactory = new ArgumentParserFactory(new ArgumentListFactory());

use MattyG\Handlebars\Compiler;
use MattyG\Handlebars\TokenizerFactory;
$compiler = new Compiler($runtime, new TokenizerFactory(), $argumentParserFactory);

use MattyG\Handlebars\DataFactory;
use MattyG\Handlebars\Handlebars;
$handlebars = new Handlebars($runtime, $compiler, new DataFactory());

use MattyG\Handlebars\Handlebars;
$handlebars = Handlebars::newInstance();

$template = $handlebars->compile('{{foo}} {{bar}}');

$content = $template->render(array('foo' => BAR, 'bar' =. 'ZOO'));
// Or used as a callable
$content = $template(array('foo' => 'BAZ', 'bar' => 'ABC'));

$handlebars->registerHelper('bar', function($options) {
    return 'BAZ';
$template = $handlebars->compile('{{foo}} {{bar}}');
echo $template(array('foo' => 'BAR'));

$handlebars->registerPartial('bar' => 'ABC');
$template = $handlebars->compile('{{foo}} {{> bar}}');
echo $template->render(array('foo' => 'BAR'));

$template = $handlebars->compile(string $string);

$template = $handlebars->compile('{{foo}} {{bar}}');
echo $template->render(array('foo' => 'FOO', 'bar' => 'BAR'));
// result: 'FOO BAR'

$handlebars->registerHelper(string $name, callable $helper);

$handlebars->registerHelper('baz', function() { return 'BAZ&BAZ'; });
$template = $handlebars->compile('{{foo}} {{baz}}');
echo $template(array('foo' => 'FOO'));
// result: 'FOO BAZ&amp;BAZ'

use MattyG\Handlebars\SafeString;
$handlebars->registerHelper('safehelper', function($value) { return new SafeString($value . '&BAZ'); });
$template = $handlebars->compile('{{foo}} {{safehelper 'BAR'}}');
echo $template->render(array('foo' => 'FOO'));
// result: 'FOO BAR&BAZ'

$handlebars->registerPartial(string $name, string $partial);

$handlebars->registerPartial('zoo', '1 + 2');
$template = $handlebars->compile('{{> zoo}} = {{result}}');
echo $template->render(array('result' => 3));
// result: '1 + 2 = 3'

$handlebars->setCachePath(string $cachePath);


$handlebars->setNamePrefix(string $namePrefix);