PHP code example of divineomega / php-dot-net-ticks

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download divineomega/php-dot-net-ticks library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


divineomega / php-dot-net-ticks example snippets

use DivineOmega\DotNetTicks\Ticks;

// Current time
$ticks = new Ticks();

// Specific time in ticks
$ticks = new Ticks(636536021491253348);

// From timestamp
$ticks = Ticks::createFromTimestamp(1518005349);

$ticks = $ticks->ticks();       // Ticks

$time = $ticks->timestamp();    // UNIX timstamp

$dateTime = $ticks->dateTime(); // PHP DateTime object
$carbon = $ticks->carbon();     // Carbon date object

// Get current time in ticks
$nowInTicks = (new Ticks())->ticks();

// Convert ticks to timestamp
$timestamp = (new Ticks(636536021491253348))->timestamp();

// Convert timestamp to ticks
$ticks = Ticks::createFromTimestamp(1518005349)->ticks();
