PHP code example of divineomega / email-structure-parser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download divineomega/email-structure-parser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


divineomega / email-structure-parser example snippets

use DivineOmega\EmailStructureParser\EmailStructureParser;

// Connect to mailbox
$imapStream = imap_open('{}INBOX', getenv('USERNAME'), getenv('PASSWORD'));

// Get a message number (in this example, just get the first)
$msgNums = imap_search($imapStream, 'ALL');
$msgNum = $msgNums[0];

// Load message into parser
$parser = new EmailStructureParser($imapStream, $msgNum);

// Get parsed multipart email parts - including plain text and/or HTML content, and any attachments
$parts = $parser->getParts();

// Output HTML email content

// Save attached PNG images
foreach($parts['IMAGE/PNG'] as $image) {
    file_put_contents($image->name, $image->content);

foreach($parts['IMAGE/PNG'] as $image) {
    // Store the file as in the above example:
    file_put_contents($image->name, $image->content);
    // You would then want to store this relationship in your database:    
    echo "{$image->contentId} => {$image->name}\n";