PHP code example of dive-be / laravel-geo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dive-be/laravel-geo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dive-be / laravel-geo example snippets

return [
     * IP address translations can be cached to improve successive lookup times.
    'cache' => [
        'enabled' => false,

         * Address translations are tagged to only clear them when a clear command is run.
         * Not supported by the "file", "database" and "dynamodb" cache drivers.
        'tag' => 'dive-geo-location',

         * Time-to-live in seconds.
        'ttl' => 3600,

     * Detectors are classes responsible for detecting the geo location of a given IP address.
     * Supported drivers:
     *  - "static" (always translates to the fallback country)
     *  - "maxmind_db" (GeoIP2/GeoLite2 Databases)
     *  - "maxmind_web" (GeoIP2 Precision Web Services)
     *  - "ip2c" (IP 2 Country free web service)
    'detectors' => [
        'driver' => env('GEO_DETECTORS_DRIVER', 'static'),

        'ip2c' => [
            'endpoint' => '',

        'maxmind_db' => [
            'database_path' => storage_path('app/geoip2.mmdb'),
            'license_key' => env('GEO_DETECTORS_MAXMIND_DB_LICENSE_KEY'),
            'url' => '',

        'maxmind_web' => [
            'account_id' => env('GEO_DETECTORS_MAXMIND_WEB_ACCOUNT_ID'),
            'license_key' => env('GEO_DETECTORS_MAXMIND_WEB_LICENSE_KEY'),

     * A valid ISO alpha-2 country code.
     * Used when an IP address cannot be translated.
    'fallback' => 'BE',

    'repos' => [
        'cookie' => [
            'name' => 'geo', // The cookie's name when set on the users' browsers

     * The valid FQCN of your custom transformer.
     * When set, values retrieved from the repository will be transformed first using this class.
    'transformer' => null,

// Console\Kernel.php
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)

'web' => [
    // omitted for brevity

use Dive\Geo\Facades\Geo;


use Geo;



use Dive\Geo\Contracts\Repository;

public function __invoke(Repository $geo)

namespace App\Transformers;

use App\Models\Country;
use Dive\Geo\Contracts\Transformer;

class CountryTransformer implements Transformer
    public function transform(string $iso): Country
        return Country::findByIso($iso);

'transformer' => App\Transformers\CountryTransformer::class,

geo('TR'); // helper
Geo::put('TR'); // facade
$geo->put('TR'); // injected

use Dive\Geo\Facades\Detector;

Detector::extend('ipapi', function () {
    return new IPApiDetector(...);

use Dive\Geo\Facades\Detector;
use Dive\Geo\Facades\Geo;

php artisan geo:install
php artisan geo:clear