PHP code example of diuitapi / php-session-helper

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download diuitapi/php-session-helper library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


diuitapi / php-session-helper example snippets

use Diuit\DiuitTokenHelper;

$session = (new DiuitTokenHelper())->setAppId('your_app_id') // Configures app ID
                        ->setAppKey('your_app_key') // Configures app key
                        ->setKeyID('your_key_id') // Configures key id for finding public key
                        ->setPrivateKey('file://your_pem_file_path') // Configures private key (you can either use file path or plain text)
                        ->setUserSerial('user_serial') // Configures user serial
                        ->setExpDuration(7*24*3600) // Configures length of session valid duration (in seconds), example is in length of a week
                        ->getSessionToken('your_device_serial', 'gcm', 'device_push_token'); // Configures device serial, platform and push token(optional) and retrieves session token

echo $session; // will print session token
