PHP code example of discord-php / slash

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download discord-php/slash library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


discord-php / slash example snippets


$client = new RegisterClient('your-bot-token-here');


// gets a list of all GLOBAL comamnds (not guild-specific)
$commands = $client->getCommands();
// gets a list of all guild-specific commands to the given guild
$guildCommands = $client->getCommands('guild_id_here');
// gets a specific command with command id - if you are getting a guild-specific command you must provide a guild id
$command = $client->getCommand('command_id', 'optionally_guild_id');


// creates a global command
$command = $client->createGlobalCommand('command_name', 'command_description', [
    // optional array of options

// creates a guild specific command
$command = $client->createGuildSpecificCommand('guild_id', 'command_name', 'command_description', [
    // optional array of options


// change the command name etc.....
$command->name = 'newcommandname';



include 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Discord\Slash\Client;
use Discord\Slash\Parts\Interaction;
use Discord\Slash\Parts\Choices;

$client = new Client([
    // on a different URI
    'logger' => $logger, // different logger, default will write to stdout
    'loop' => $loop, // reactphp event loop, default creates a new loop
    'socket_options' => [], // options to pass to the react/socket instance, default empty array

// register a command `/hello`
$client->registerCommand('hello', function (Interaction $interaction, Choices $choices) {
    // do some cool stuff here
    // good idea to var_dump interaction and choices to see what they contain

    // once finished, you MUST either acknowledge or reply to a message
    $interaction->acknowledge(); // acknowledges the message, doesn't show source message
    $interaction->acknowledge(true); // acknowledges the message and shows the source message

    // to reply to the message
    $interaction->reply('Hello, world!'); // replies to the message, doesn't show source message
    $interaction->replyWithSource('Hello, world!'); // replies to the message and shows the source message

    // the `reply` methods take 4 parameters: content, tts, embed and allowed_mentions
    // all but content are optional.
    // read the discord developer documentation to see what to pass to these options:

// starts the ReactPHP event loop

include 'vendor/autoload.php';

// make sure you have included DiscordPHP into your project - `composer hoices;

$discord = new Discord([
    'token' => '##################',

$client = new Client([
    'public_key' => '???????????????',
    'loop' =>  $discord->getLoop(),

$client->linkDiscord($discord, false); // false signifies that we still want to use the HTTP server - default is true, which will use gateway

$discord->on('ready', function (Discord $discord) {
    // DiscordPHP is ready

$client->registerCommand('my_cool_command', function (Interaction $interaction, Choices $choices) use ($discord) {
    // there are a couple fields in $interaction that will return DiscordPHP parts:

    // if you don't link DiscordPHP, it will simply return raw arrays

    $discord->guilds->get('id', 'coolguild')->members->ban(); // do something ?



$client = new Client([
    'public_key' => '???????',
    'uri' => null, // note the null uri - signifies to not register the socket

// register your commands like normal

// note the difference here - runCgi instead of run

use Discord\Slash\Client;

$discord = new Discord([
    'token' => 'abcd.efdgh.asdas',

$client = new Client([
    'loop' => $discord->getLoop(), // Discord and Client MUST share event loops




$ composer