PHP code example of dinkbit / payme

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dinkbit/payme library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dinkbit / payme example snippets

// Create a new PayMe instance choosing the driver
$config = [
    'driver'      => 'stripe',
    'private_key' => 'secret_key',
    'public_key'  => 'public_key',

$payme = new Shoperti\PayMe\PayMe($config);
// or
$payme = PayMe::make($config);

// Make a charge
$response = $payme->charges()->create('100', 'tok_test', []);

if (!$response->success()) {
    return ':(';

return 'Hurray!';

$payme = new Shoperti\PayMe\PayMeFactory();

// Make a charge
$response = $payme->make($config)->charges()->create('100', 'tok_test', []);

if (!$response->success()) {
    return ':(';

return 'Hurray!';