PHP code example of dinhdjj / visit

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dinhdjj/visit library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dinhdjj / visit example snippets

// config for dinhdjj/laravel-visit package
return [

     * Table name for visit logs
    'table' => 'visits',

     * The model class name that will be used to store visit logs, must be a subclass of \Dinhdjj\Visit\Models\Visit
    'model' => Dinhdjj\Visit\Models\Visit::class,

class Post extends Model
    use \Dinhdjj\Visit\Traits\Visitable;

    $post = Post::first();

    $post->visitLogs() // relation to visit logs

    $post->visitLogs // collection of visit logs

    $builder = $post->visitLog(User::first()) // builder visit with user as visitor

    $builder->byIp(); // prevent duplicate visit by ip
    $builder->byVisitor(); // prevent duplicate visit by visitor

    $builder->interval(60*15) // prevent duplicate visit within 15 minutes, default is 60*15

    $visit = $builder->log(); // create visit to database

class User extends Model
    use \Dinhdjj\Visit\Traits\Visitor;

    $user = Post::first();

    $user->visits() // relation to visit logs

    $post->visits // collection of visit logs

    $builder = $post->visit(Post::first()) // builder visit to post

    // ... same as above
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="visit-migrations"
php artisan migrate
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="visit-config"