PHP code example of dimitrilahaye / dodo-ini-manager

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dimitrilahaye/dodo-ini-manager library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dimitrilahaye / dodo-ini-manager example snippets

FileIni::__construct( string $path ): void

FileIni::getPath(  ): string

FileIni::rename( string $name ): void

FileIni::copy( string $name ): void

FileIni::move( string $path ): void

FileIni::arrayTo( mixed[] $array ): void

FileIni::toArray(  ): mixed[]

FileIni::jsonTo( string $json ): void

FileIni::toJson(  ): \DodoPhpLab\DodoIniManager\Classes\json

FileIni::hasSection( string $section ): boolean

FileIni::get( string $section ): mixed[]

FileIni::set( string $section, mixed[] $array = null ): void

FileIni::rewrite( string $section, string $newSection ): void

FileIni::rm( string $section ): void

FileIni::prepend( string $section ): void

FileIni::append( string $section ): void

FileIni::before( string $section, string $before ): void

FileIni::after( string $section, string $after ): void

FileIni::hasNext( string $section ): boolean

FileIni::hasPrevious( string $section ): boolean

FileIni::getNext( string $section ): mixed[]

FileIni::getPrevious( string $section ): mixed[]

FileIni::hasKey( string $section, string $element ): boolean

FileIni::getKey( string $section, string $element ): string

FileIni::setKey( string $section, mixed[] $element ): void

FileIni::writeInKey( string $section, string $element, string $content ): void

FileIni::rewriteKey( string $section, string $element, string $newElement ): void

FileIni::rewriteInKey( string $section, string $element, string $content ): void

FileIni::rmInKey( string $section, string $element ): void

FileIni::rmKey( string $section, string $element ): void

FileIni::keyHasNext( string $section, string $element ): boolean

FileIni::keyHasPrevious( string $section, string $element ): boolean

FileIni::getNextKey( string $section, string $element ): string

FileIni::getPreviousKey( string $section, string $element ): string

FileIni::moveKey( string $section, string $element, string $newSection ): void

FileIni::beforeKey( string $section, string $element, string $before ): void

FileIni::afterKey( string $section, string $element, string $after ): void

FileIni::prependKey( string $section, string $element ): void

FileIni::appendKey( string $section, string $element ): void