PHP code example of dimanzver / yii2-jwt

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dimanzver/yii2-jwt library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dimanzver / yii2-jwt example snippets

'components' => [
    'jwt' => [
      'class' => \sizeg\jwt\Jwt::class,
      'key'   => 'secret',

namespace app\controllers;

class ExampleController extends \yii\rest\Controller

     * @inheritdoc
    public function behaviors()
        $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
        $behaviors['authenticator'] = [
            'class' => \sizeg\jwt\JwtHttpBearerAuth::class,

        return $behaviors;

$time = time();
$token = Yii::$app->jwt->getBuilder()
            ->issuedBy('') // Configures the issuer (iss claim)
            ->permittedFor('') // Configures the audience (aud claim)
            ->identifiedBy('4f1g23a12aa', true) // Configures the id (jti claim), replicating as a header item
            ->issuedAt($time) // Configures the time that the token was issue (iat claim)
            ->canOnlyBeUsedAfter($time + 60) // Configures the time that the token can be used (nbf claim)
            ->expiresAt($time + 3600) // Configures the expiration time of the token (exp claim)
            ->withClaim('uid', 1) // Configures a new claim, called "uid"
            ->getToken(); // Retrieves the generated token

$token->getHeaders(); // Retrieves the token headers
$token->getClaims(); // Retrieves the token claims

echo $token->getHeader('jti'); // will print "4f1g23a12aa"
echo $token->getClaim('iss'); // will print ""
echo $token->getClaim('uid'); // will print "1"
echo $token; // The string representation of the object is a JWT string (pretty easy, right?)

$token = Yii::$app->jwt->getParser()->parse((string) $token); // Parses from a string
$token->getHeaders(); // Retrieves the token header
$token->getClaims(); // Retrieves the token claims

echo $token->getHeader('jti'); // will print "4f1g23a12aa"
echo $token->getClaim('iss'); // will print ""
echo $token->getClaim('uid'); // will print "1"

$data = Yii::$app->jwt->getValidationData(); // It will use the current time to validate (iat, nbf and exp)

var_dump($token->validate($data)); // false, because we created a token that cannot be used before of `time() + 60`

$data->setCurrentTime(time() + 61); // changing the validation time to future

var_dump($token->validate($data)); // true, because validation information is equals to data contained on the token

$data->setCurrentTime(time() + 4000); // changing the validation time to future

var_dump($token->validate($data)); // false, because token is expired since current time is greater than exp

'components' => [
    'jwt' => [
        'class' => \sizeg\jwt\Jwt:class,
        'key'   => 'secret',
        'jwtValidationData' => [
            'class' => \sizeg\jwt\JwtValidationData::class,
             // configure leeway 
            'leeway' => 20,

$dataWithLeeway = Yii::$app->jwt->getValidationData();

var_dump($token->validate($dataWithLeeway)); // false, because token can't be used before now() + 60, not within leeway

$dataWithLeeway->setCurrentTime($time + 61); // changing the validation time to future

var_dump($token->validate($dataWithLeeway)); // true, because current time plus leeway is between "nbf" and "exp" claims

$dataWithLeeway->setCurrentTime($time + 3610); // changing the validation time to future but within leeway

var_dump($token->validate($dataWithLeeway)); // true, because current time - 20 seconds leeway is less than exp

$dataWithLeeway->setCurrentTime($time + 4000); // changing the validation time to future outside of leeway

var_dump($token->validate($dataWithLeeway)); // false, because token is expired since current time is greater than exp

$jwt = Yii::$app->jwt;
$signer = $jwt->getSigner('HS256');
$key = $jwt->getKey();
$time = time();

$token = $jwt->getBuilder()
            ->issuedBy('') // Configures the issuer (iss claim)
            ->permittedFor('') // Configures the audience (aud claim)
            ->identifiedBy('4f1g23a12aa', true) // Configures the id (jti claim), replicating as a header item
            ->issuedAt($time) // Configures the time that the token was issue (iat claim)
            ->canOnlyBeUsedAfter($time + 60) // Configures the time that the token can be used (nbf claim)
            ->expiresAt($time + 3600) // Configures the expiration time of the token (exp claim)
            ->withClaim('uid', 1) // Configures a new claim, called "uid"
            ->getToken($signer, $key); // Retrieves the generated token

var_dump($token->verify($signer, 'testing 1')); // false, because the key is different
var_dump($token->verify($signer, 'testing')); // true, because the key is the same

$jwt = Yii::$app->jwt;
$signer = $jwt->getSigner('RS256'); // you can use 'ES256' if you're using ECDSA keys
$privateKey = $jwt->getKey('file://{path to your private key}');
$time = time();

$token = $jwt->getBuilder()
            ->issuedBy('') // Configures the issuer (iss claim)
            ->permittedFor('') // Configures the audience (aud claim)
            ->identifiedBy('4f1g23a12aa', true) // Configures the id (jti claim), replicating as a header item
            ->issuedAt($time) // Configures the time that the token was issue (iat claim)
            ->canOnlyBeUsedAfter($time + 60) // Configures the time that the token can be used (nbf claim)
            ->expiresAt($time + 3600) // Configures the expiration time of the token (exp claim)
            ->withClaim('uid', 1) // Configures a new claim, called "uid"
            ->getToken($signer, $privateKey); // Retrieves the generated token
$publicKey = $jwt->getKey('file://{path to your public key}');

var_dump($token->verify($signer, $publicKey)); // true when the public key was generated by the private one =)

    $config = [
        'components' => [
            // other default components here..
            'jwt' => [
                'class' => \sizeg\jwt\Jwt::class,
                'key' => 'secret',
                // You have to configure ValidationData informing all claims you want to validate the token.
                'jwtValidationData' => \app\components\JwtValidationData::class,

    namespace app\components;
    class JwtValidationData extends \sizeg\jwt\JwtValidationData
         * @inheritdoc
        public function init()

         * {@inheritdoc}
         * @param \Lcobucci\JWT\Token $token
        public static function findIdentityByAccessToken($token, $type = null)
            foreach (self::$users as $user) {
                if ($user['id'] === (string) $token->getClaim('uid')) {
                    return new static($user);
            return null;

    namespace app\controllers;
    use sizeg\jwt\Jwt;
    use sizeg\jwt\JwtHttpBearerAuth;
    use Yii;
    use yii\rest\Controller;
    class RestController extends Controller
         * @inheritdoc
        public function behaviors()
            $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
            $behaviors['authenticator'] = [
                'class' => JwtHttpBearerAuth::class,
                'optional' => [
            return $behaviors;
         * @return \yii\web\Response
        public function actionLogin()
            /** @var Jwt $jwt */
            $jwt = Yii::$app->jwt;
            $signer = $jwt->getSigner('HS256');
            $key = $jwt->getKey();
            $time = time();
            // Previous implementation
            $token = $jwt->getBuilder()
                ->setIssuer('')// Configures the issuer (iss claim)
                ->setAudience('')// Configures the audience (aud claim)
                ->setId('4f1g23a12aa', true)// Configures the id (jti claim), replicating as a header item
                ->setIssuedAt(time())// Configures the time that the token was issue (iat claim)
                ->setExpiration(time() + 3600)// Configures the expiration time of the token (exp claim)
                ->set('uid', 100)// Configures a new claim, called "uid"
                ->sign($signer, $jwt->key)// creates a signature using [[Jwt::$key]]
                ->getToken(); // Retrieves the generated token
            // Adoption for lcobucci/jwt ^4.0 version
            $token = $jwt->getBuilder()
                ->issuedBy('')// Configures the issuer (iss claim)
                ->permittedFor('')// Configures the audience (aud claim)
                ->identifiedBy('4f1g23a12aa', true)// Configures the id (jti claim), replicating as a header item
                ->issuedAt($time)// Configures the time that the token was issue (iat claim)
                ->expiresAt($time + 3600)// Configures the expiration time of the token (exp claim)
                ->withClaim('uid', 100)// Configures a new claim, called "uid"
                ->getToken($signer, $key); // Retrieves the generated token
            return $this->asJson([
                'token' => (string)$token,
         * @return \yii\web\Response
        public function actionData()
            return $this->asJson([
                'success' => true,