PHP code example of dillingham / nova-list-card

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download dillingham/nova-list-card library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


dillingham / nova-list-card example snippets

namespace App\Nova\Metrics;

use App\Nova\User;
use NovaListCard\ListCard;

class RecentUsers extends ListCard
     * Setup the card options
    public function __construct()
            ->heading('Recent Users')
            ->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')


->heading('Top Bloggers')



->timestamp('completed_at', 'MM/DD'),

->timestamp('completed_at', 'relative'),



->withSum('orders', 'total')

-value('orders_sum') // 55200
-value('orders_sum', '0.0a') // 55.2k
-value('orders_sum', '($ 0.00 a)') // $55.2k

->value('created_at') // 2019-04-27 00:00:00
->value('created_at', 'MM/DD', 'timestamp') // 04/27
->value('created_at', 'relative', 'timestamp') // 5 days ago


->orderBy('scheduled_at', 'desc')



->footerLink('Google', '')

public static function indexQuery($request, $query)
    if($request->input('nova-list-card') == 'upcoming-tasks') {

    return $query;

->classes('font-bold text-red some-custom-class')


->heading('Recent Contacts')

->heading('Contacts: Most tasks', 'Tasks')
->orderBy('tasks_count', 'desc')

->heading('Top Opportunities', 'Estimates')
->withSum('opportunities', 'estimate')
->value('opportunities_sum', '0.0a')
->orderBy('opportunities_sum', 'desc'),
php artisan nova:list-card RecentUsers