PHP code example of digitickets / omnipay-paymentsense

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download digitickets/omnipay-paymentsense library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


digitickets / omnipay-paymentsense example snippets

// Gateway setup
$gateway = $this->gatewayFactory('PaymentSense');

// Pluigns specific parameters

// Create or fetch your product transaction
$transaction = $this->createTransaction($request);

// Get the data ready for the payment
// Please note that even off-site gateways make use of the CreditCard object,
// because often you need to pass customer billing or shipping details through to the gateway.
$cardData = $transaction->asOmniPay;
$itemsBag = $this->requestItemsBag($request);

// Authorize request
$request = $gateway->purchase(array(
    'amount' => $transaction->amount,
    'currency' => $transaction->currency,
    'card' => $cardData,
    'returnUrl' => $this->generateCallbackUrl(
    'transactionId' => $transaction->id,
    'description' => $transaction->description,
    'items' => $itemsBag,

// Send request
$response = $request->send();

// Process response

// Fetch transaction details
$transaction = Transaction::findOrFail($transactionId);

// Gateway setup
$gateway = $this->gatewayFactory('PaymentSense');

// Pluigns specific parameters

// Get the data ready to complete the payment. Since this is typically a stateless callback
// we need to first retrieve our original product transaction details
$params = [
    "amount" => $transaction->amount,
    "currency" => $transaction->currency,
    'returnUrl' => $this->generateCallbackUrl(
    'transactionId' => $transaction->id,
    'transactionReference' => $transaction->ref,

// Complete purchase request
$request = $gateway->completePurchase($params);

// Send request
$response = $request->send();

// Process response