PHP code example of digitalwerk / typo3-element-registry-cli

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download digitalwerk/typo3-element-registry-cli library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


digitalwerk / typo3-element-registry-cli example snippets

namespace Vendor\Extension\Utility;

use TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\Page\PageRepository;

 * Class PageTypeUtility
 * @package Vendor\Extension\Utility
class PageTypeUtility

     * Get Doktype icon identifier
     * @param int $doktype
     * @return string
    public static function getDoktypeIconIdentifier(int $doktype): string
        return "{extension}-{$doktype}";

     * Adds new page type
     * @param int $doktype
     * @throws    \Exception
    public static function addPageDoktype(int $doktype)
        if (array_key_exists($doktype, $GLOBALS['PAGES_TYPES'])) {
            throw new \Exception("Page type with doktype: {$doktype} already exists!", 1485421360);

        // Add new page type
        $GLOBALS['PAGES_TYPES'][$doktype] = [
            'type' => 'web',
            'allowedTables' => '*',

        // Provide icon for page tree, list view, ... :
        $iconRegistry = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(
        $iconIdentifier = self::getDoktypeIconIdentifier($doktype);

            ['source' => "EXT:{extension}/Resources/Public/Icons/{$iconIdentifier}.svg"]
            ['source' => "EXT:{extension}/Resources/Public/Icons/{$iconIdentifier}-not-in-menu.svg"]

            'options.pageTree.doktypesToShowInNewPageDragArea := addToList(' . $doktype . ')'

     * Adds new doktype to TCA select
     * @param int    $doktype
     * @param string $position
    public static function addTcaDoktype(int $doktype, string $position = '')
        $iconIdentifier = self::getDoktypeIconIdentifier($doktype);

        if ($position !== '') {
            list($relativePosition, $relativeToField) = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::trimExplode(':', $position);
        } else {
            $relativePosition = 'after';
            $relativeToField = '1';


                'ctrl' => [
                    'typeicon_classes' => [
                        $doktype => $iconIdentifier,
                        $doktype.'-hideinmenu' => "{$iconIdentifier}-not-in-menu",
                'types' => [
                    $doktype => $GLOBALS['TCA']['pages']['types'][(string)PageRepository::DOKTYPE_DEFAULT],