PHP code example of digitalkaoz / versioneye-php

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download digitalkaoz/versioneye-php library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


digitalkaoz / versioneye-php example snippets

use Rs\VersionEye\Client;

$api = (new Client())->api('services');     // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Services
$api->ping(); //array

//other implemented APIs
$api = (new Client())->api('github');       // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Github
$api = (new Client())->api('me');           // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Me
$api = (new Client())->api('projects');     // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Projects
$api = (new Client())->api('products');     // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Products
$api = (new Client())->api('sessions');     // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Sessions
$api = (new Client())->api('users');        // Rs\VersionEye\Api\Users

class MyHttpClient implements HttpClient
     * @inheritDoc
    public function request($method, $url, array $params = [])
        //implement your own special http handling here


$api = (new Client(new MyHttpClient))->api('users');

namespace Rs\VersionEye\Api;

class Foo implements Api
     * awesome api endpoint
    public function bar($bar, $bazz=1)
        //implement api endpoint

class CommandFactory
     * generates Commands from all Api Methods
     * @param  array     $classes
     * @return Command[]
    public function generateCommands(array $classes = [])
        $classes = $classes ?: [

namespace Rs\VersionEye\Output;

class Foo
    public function bar(OutputInterface $output, $response)
        //output the $response (API Result)

$ composer 

php versioneye.phar products:search "symfony"
php versioneye.phar products:show "php" "symfony:symfony"