PHP code example of digitalerase / wp-remote-users-sync

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download digitalerase/wp-remote-users-sync library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


digitalerase / wp-remote-users-sync example snippets

Plugin Name: Example of User Action Extension for WP Remote Users Sync
Version: 1.0
Text Domain: my-domain

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    exit; // Exit if accessed directly

if ( ! defined( 'WPRUS_EXTEND_PLUGIN_PATH' ) ) {
    define( 'WPRUS_EXTEND_PLUGIN_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) );

if ( ! defined( 'WPRUS_EXTEND_PLUGIN_URL' ) ) {
    define( 'WPRUS_EXTEND_PLUGIN_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) );

add_action( 'wprus_loaded', 'wprus_example', 10, 0 );
function wprus_example() {
    urn $endpoint_handler;

add_filter( 'wprus_actions', 'wprus_actions_example', 10, 1 );
function wprus_actions_example( $actions ) {
    $actions['example'] = __( 'Example', 'example-domain' );

    return $actions;

if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    exit; // Exit if accessed directly

class Wprus_Api_Example extends Wprus_Api_Abstract {

     * Public methods

    public function init_notification_hooks() {
        add_action( 'wp', array( $this, 'notify_remote' ), 10, 0 );

    public function has_async_actions() {

        return true;

    public function handle_notification() {
        $result = false;
        $data   = $this->get_data();

        if ( ! $this->validate( $data ) ) {
                __( 'Example action failed - received invalid data.', 'example-domain' ),

            return $result;

        $data = $this->sanitize( $data );
        $site = $this->get_active_site_for_action( $this->endpoint, $data['base_url'] );

        if ( $site ) {
            $user = get_user_by( 'login', $data['username'] );

            if ( $user ) {
                $result = true;

                        'message' => sprintf(
                            // translators: %1$s is the username, %2$s is the caller
                            __( 'Example action - successfully received data for user "%1$s" from %2$s.', 'example-domain' ),
                        'data'    => $data,
            } else {
                        // translators: %1$s is the username, %2$s is the caller
                        __( 'Example action aborted - user "%1$s" from %2$s does not exist locally.', 'example-domain' ),
        } else {
                    // translators: %s is the url of the caller
                    __( 'Example action failed - incoming example action not enabled for %s', 'example-domain' ),

        return $result;

    public function notify_remote() {

        if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {


        $user  = get_user_by( 'ID', get_current_user_id() );
        $sites = $this->settings->get_sites( $this->endpoint, 'outgoing' );

        if ( $user && ! empty( $sites ) ) {
            $data = array( 'username' => $user->user_login );

            foreach ( $sites as $index => $site ) {
                $data['example'] = 'example data - asynchronous action';

                $this->add_async_action( $site['url'], $data );

                $data['example'] = 'example data - synchronous action';

                $this->fire_action( $site['url'], $data );

     * Protected methods

    protected function validate( $data ) {
        $valid =
            parent::validate( $data ) &&
            username_exists( $data['username'] ) &&
            is_string( $data['example'] );

        return $valid;

    protected function sanitize( $data ) {
        $data['example'] = 'sanitized ' . $data['example'];

        return $data;


do_action( 'wprus_init' );

do_action( 'wprus_loaded' );

do_action( 'wprus_ready', (mixed) $wprus, (mixed) $api, (mixed) $settings, (mixed) $logger );

do_action( 'wprus_unauthorized_access', (string) $endpoint, (mixed) $remote_data, (string) $token, (mixed) $wprus_api_object );

do_action( 'wprus_authorized_access', (string) $endpoint, (mixed) $remote_data, (string) $token, (mixed) $wprus_api_object );

do_action( 'wprus_ping_fired', (string) $endpoint, (mixed) $ping_data, (mixed) $response );

do_action( 'wprus_ping_success', (string) $endpoint, (mixed) $ping_remote_data, (string) $remote_addr );

do_action( 'wprus_ping_failure', (string) $endpoint, (mixed) $ping_remote_data, (string) $remote_addr );

do_action( 'wprus_before_firing_async_actions', (string) $endpoint, (mixed) $actions, (int) $user_id );

array (
    $uniq_id => array(                             // $uniq_id is the unique ID of the action
        'username' => 'username',                  // The user name of the user to act on
        'base_url' => '', // The URL of the local site sending the request
        'url'      => '',  // The URL of the remote site supposed to receive the request
        [...]                                      // Other data sent to perform the action
    [...]                                          // More data for other requests to other remote sites if any

do_action( 'wprus_after_firing_async_actions', (string) $endpoint, (mixed) $actions, (int) $user_id );

array (
    $uniq_id => array(                             // $uniq_id is the unique ID of the action
        'username' => 'username',                  // The user name of the user to act on
        'base_url' => '', // The URL of the local site sending the request
        'url'      => '',  // The URL of the remote site supposed to receive the request
        [...]                                      // Other data sent to perform the action
    [...]                                          // More data for other requests to other remote sites if any

do_action( 'wprus_before_firing_action', (string) $endpoint, (string) $url, (mixed) $data );

    'username' => 'username',                  // The user name of the user to act on
    'base_url' => '', // The URL of the local site sending the request
    [...]                                      // Other data sent to perform the action

do_action( 'wprus_after_firing_action', (string) $endpoint, (string) $url, (mixed) $data, (mixed) $response );

    'username' => 'username',                  // The user name of the user to act on
    'base_url' => '', // The URL of the local site sending the request
    [...]                                      // Other data sent to perform the action

do_action( 'wprus_before_handle_action_notification', (string) $endpoint, (mixed) $data );

    'username' => 'username',                   // The user name of the user to act on
    'base_url' => '', // The URL of the remote site sending the request
    [...]                                       // Other data sent to perform the action

do_action( 'wprus_after_handle_action_notification', (string) $endpoint, (mixed) $data, (bool) $result );

    'username' => 'username',                   // The user name of the user to act on
    'base_url' => '', // The URL of the remote site sending the request
    [...]                                       // Other data sent to perform the action

do_action( 'wprus_before_init_notification_hooks', (string) $endpoint, (mixed) $wprus_api_object );

do_action( 'wprus_after_init_notification_hooks', (string) $endpoint, (mixed) $wprus_api_object );

do_action( 'wprus_

do_action( 'wprus_integration', (mixed) $wprus_integration_obj, (string) $plugin_slug );

do_action( 'wprus_integration_run', (mixed) $wprus_integration_obj );

apply_filters( 'wprus_enabled_api_endpoints', (mixed) $endpoints );


apply_filters( 'wprus_api_endpoint', (mixed) $endpoint_handler, (string) $api_endpoint, (mixed) $settings );

apply_filters( 'wprus_api', (mixed) $api );

    'login'    => $wprus_api_login,    // An instance of Wprus_Api_Login inheriting Wprus_Api_Abstract
    'logout'   => $wprus_api_logout,   // An instance of Wprus_Api_Logout inheriting Wprus_Api_Abstract
    'create'   => $wprus_api_create,   // An instance of Wprus_Api_Create inheriting Wprus_Api_Abstract
    'update'   => $wprus_api_update,   // An instance of Wprus_Api_Update inheriting Wprus_Api_Abstract
    'delete'   => $wprus_api_delete,   // An instance of Wprus_Api_Delete inheriting Wprus_Api_Abstract
    'password' => $wprus_api_password, // An instance of Wprus_Api_Password inheriting Wprus_Api_Abstract
    'role'     => $wprus_api_role,     // An instance of Wprus_Api_Role inheriting Wprus_Api_Abstract
    'meta'     => $wprus_api_meta,     // An instance of Wprus_Api_Meta inheriting Wprus_Api_Abstract

apply_filters( 'wprus_wp_endpoints', (mixed) $wprus_endpoints );

    'token'    => 'token/?',
    'login'    => 'login/?',
    'logout'   => 'logout/?',
    'create'   => 'create/?',
    'update'   => 'update/?',
    'delete'   => 'delete/?',
    'password' => 'password/?',
    'role'     => 'role/?',
    'meta'     => 'meta/?',

apply_filters( 'wprus_actions', (mixed) $actions );

    'login'    => __( 'Login', 'wprus' ),
    'logout'   => __( 'Logout', 'wprus' ),
    'create'   => __( 'Create', 'wprus' ),
    'update'   => __( 'Update', 'wprus' ),
    'delete'   => __( 'Delete', 'wprus' ),
    'password' => __( 'Password', 'wprus' ),
    'role'     => __( 'Roles', 'wprus' ),
    'meta'     => __( 'Metadata', 'wprus' ),

apply_filters( 'wprus_settings', (mixed) $settings );

apply_filters( 'wprus_option', (mixed) $value, (string) $key );

apply_filters( 'wprus_settings_valid', (bool) $valid, (mixed) $settings );

apply_filters( 'wprus_settings_metaboxes', (mixed) $metaboxes );

    'id'     => array(                                 // Each item is index by its metabox ID
        'title'    => __( 'Metabox title', 'domain' ), // The title to display
        'callback' => 'metabox_callback_function',     // The callback to output the metabox
        'position' => 'nomal',                         // The position on the screen - one of 'normal', 'side' or 'advanced'
        'priority' => 'default',                       // The display priority - one of 'default', 'high' or 'low'
        'data'     => $data,                           // The data to be passed to the callback
    [...]                                              // Other metabox items

apply_filters( 'wprus_sanitize_settings', (mixed) $sanitized_settings );

apply_filters( 'wprus_excluded_meta_keys', (mixed) $excluded_meta_keys );


apply_filters( 'wprus_excluded_meta_keys_like', (mixed) $excluded_meta_keys_like_expressions );


apply_filters( 'wprus_init_notification_hooks', (bool) $init_notification_hooks );

apply_filters( 'wprus_fire_action_timeout', (int) $timeout, (string) $endpoint, (string) $url, (bool) $blocking );

apply_filters( 'wprus_request_token_timeout', (int) $token_timeout );

apply_filters( 'wprus_request_token_retry_timeout', (int) $token_retry_timeout );

apply_filters( 'wprus_is_authorized_remote', (bool) $is_authorized_remote, (string) $method, (string) $remote_addr, (mixed) $ip_whitelist );

apply_filters( 'wprus_debug', bool $debug );

apply_filters( 'wprus_action_data', array $data, string $endpoint, string $url );

apply_filters( 'wprus_registered_integration', array $integrations );

array (
    $slug => array(                          // $slug is the unique integration slug
        'plugin'     => 'plugin_name',       // name of the plugin being integrated ; passed to is_plugin_active() to determine if the integration needs to be loaded
        'class_name' => 'Integration_Class', // Class name of the integration class ; the class must be included using the action wprus_

apply_filters( 'wprus_get_admin_template_name', string $template_name, array $args );

apply_filters( 'wprus_get_admin_template_args', array $args, string $template_name );

apply_filters( 'wprus_get_template_name', string $template_name, array $args );

apply_filters( 'wprus_get_template_args', array $args, string $template_name );

apply_filters( 'wprus_locate_template', string $template_file, string $template_name, string $template_path );

apply_filters( 'wprus_locate_admin_template', string $template_file, string $template_name, string $template_path );

apply_filters( 'wprus_locate_template_paths', array $paths );

// Paths relative to WordPress theme's folder ; $name is the template's file name
    'plugins/wprus/templates/' . $name,
    'plugins/wprus/' . $name,
    'wprus/templates/' . $name,
    'wprus/' . $name,