PHP code example of diegonella / laravel-api-model-driver

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download diegonella/laravel-api-model-driver library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


diegonella / laravel-api-model-driver example snippets

return [
    // ...

    'connections' => [
        // ...

        'example_com_api' => [
            'driver' => 'laravel_api_model_driver',
            'database' => '',

            // You can define headers that will be sent to the API service in each request.
            // You might need to put your authentication token in a header.
            'headers' => [
                'Authorization: Bearer TOKEN_HERE',

            // If the API service has Laravel Passport Client Credentials authentication,
            // you can define client ID and client secret here:
            'auth' => [
                'type' => 'passport_client_credentials',
                'url' => '',
                'client_id' => 1,
                'client_secret' => 'SECRET_HERE',

            // Define default query parameters.
            'default_params' => [
                'per_page' => 1000,  // this parameter is 

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Article extends Model
    protected $connection = 'example_com_api';
    protected $table = 'articles';  // optional. Laravel generates it from the name of the class

Article::with(['dbModel', 'apiModel.anotherApiModel'])
    ->where('status', 'published')
    ->whereIn('author_id', [1, 2])
    ->whereBetween('publish_time', ['2020-08-01 00:00:00', '2020-08-04 23:59:59'])
    ->where('id', '>=', 3)
    ->where('id', '<=', 24);
    ->orderBy('publish_time', 'desc')

// The library will generate the following URL for retrieving articles: