PHP code example of diaojinlong / dpay-request

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download diaojinlong/dpay-request library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


diaojinlong / dpay-request example snippets

$config = [
    'host'=>'多支付平台接口域名', //例如:

$dPay = new \DpayRequest\Request($config);

$price = 50.00; //支付金额
$payType = 1; //支付方式:1=微信,2=支付宝
$outTradeNo = 'cs1234567890' //商户单号
$notifyUrl = ''; //请填写自己服务器接收成功推送通知的接口
$returnUrl = ''; //请填写自己服务器成功页面地址
$description = '会员充值'; //填写支付说明
$endPayTime = 5; //创建的订单5分钟后失效

$createOrder = $dPay->createOrders($price, $payType, $outTradeNo, $notifyUrl, $returnUrl, $description, $endPayTime);
if($createOrder['code'] == 200){
    echo '创建成功';
    echo '创建失败';
$prepayId = $createOrder['data']['prepay_id']; //支付单号

$queryOrder = $dPay->queryOrders($outTradeNo);

$queryOrder = $dPay->queryOrders('', $prepayId);

$res = $dPay->validationPaySign($_POST);
if($res === true){
    echo '验证成功';
    echo '验证失败';