PHP code example of devstub / kubernetes-api-php-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download devstub/kubernetes-api-php-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


devstub / kubernetes-api-php-client example snippets

$client = new \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Client();
    ->setAPINodeUrl("") //
    ->setAuthType(\DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Config::AUTH_TYPE_HTTP_BASIC) // if we are using http authentication
    ->setAuthOptions(['username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password']); // we set the auth credentials

$response = null;

// here we create a new service by passing a json text
// we can also create the request structure with objects and method chaining .. read below for instructions
  "id": "framework-dev",
  "kind": "Service",
  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
  "port": 80,
  "containerPort": 80,
  "selector": {
    "name": "app-instance"

$statusObj = $response->getContentObject();
// ... process the response here... 

	$pod  = new \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Entity\v1beta1\Pod();

	$desiredState = new \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Entity\v1beta1\PodState();
	// we prepare the desired state object
	// ...
	// then we pass it to the pod 
	// ...
	// ... we continue the same process for all other options
	// ...


		->setDesiredState() // new object is automatically instantiated here
			->setManifest() //new object is automatically instantiated here
				->setVolumes() new object is automatically instantiated here
					->append() // add array item
						->setName("data") // set property name
						->setSource() new object is automatically instantiated here
							->setEmptyDir()->end() new object is automatically instantiated here and closed
							->end() // we close the setSource
						->end() //we close the append
					->end() // we close the setVolumes

	$response = '';

	  "id": "framework-dev",
	  "kind": "Service",
	  "apiVersion": "v1beta1",
	  "port": 80,
	  "containerPort": 80,
	  "selector": {
		"name": "app-instance"

->setAPINodeUrl("") //



->setAuthOptions(['username' => 'username', 'password' => 'password']); // we set the auth credentials


$clientConfig = new \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Config();


// or you can use method chaining on config



$response = $client->pods()->get();
if ($response->getStatusCode() == 500) { // we check against http status code 500
    throw \Exception("error retrieving the response");

$response = $client->pods()->get();
$responseContent = $response->getContentRaw(); // this returns a json string

$response = $client->pods()->get();
/* @var \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Entity\v1beta1\PodList $podList */
$podList = $response->getContentObject();
/* @var \DevStub\KubernetesAPIClient\Entity\v1beta1\Pod $pod */
foreach ($podList->getItems() as $pod) {
	print "\n".$pod->getId();

# Install Composer
curl -sS | php
   "stub/kubernetes-api-php-client": "*"